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      Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances present abundantly in natural plant food sources that have antioxidant properties. These compounds are found ubiquitously in plant tissues and play a crucial role in the defense against ultraviolet radiation or aggression by pathogens. The health benefits of dietary plant polyphenols have been recognized for a long time, and lately, their role in preventing various diseases is being elucidated in scientific studies.



      Serra, V. et al. Animals. 2021.

      Figure 1. Main Classes of Polyphenols


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we use liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for polyphenols targeted metabolomics. LC-MS/MS is a powerful analytical tool that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry. This combined approach allows for a more precise and accurate analysis of polyphenols in complex samples.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: We accept various sample types, including plant tissues such as leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and fruits. We also provide sample preparation guide to ensure the quality of your samples.


      2. Polyphenols Analysis: Using state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS, we are capable of detecting and quantifying a wide range of polyphenols in your samples.


      3. Data Analysis: We provide comprehensive data analysis including raw data processing, statistical analysis, and pathway analysis.


      Service Advantages

      1. Advanced LC-MS/MS systems for high sensitivity and reliability.


      2. Comprehensive polyphenols coverage with high reproducibility.


      3. Expert team with deep knowledge in mass spectrometry and metabolomics.


      4. Comprehensive report including detailed procedures, analysis results, and professional interpretations.



      Our polyphenols targeted metabolomics service can be applied in various research fields, including plant biology, nutrition science, food science, and pharmacology.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Main samples are plant samples

      For other sample types and dosage, please contact our sales.


      Sample Transport: 3-4 kg of dry ice evaporates in one day, please use sufficient dry ice for transport (it is recommended to use larger pieces of dry ice as much as possible, as large pieces of dry ice evaporate slower) and close it with a foam box. And try to use faster postal service to reduce the possibility of sample degradation during transport.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Polyphenols

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing you with the most reliable and comprehensive polyphenols targeted metabolomics service. Contact us today to discuss your project needs!

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