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    Principle of C-Terminal Sequencing

      In the realm of proteomics, understanding the complete amino acid sequence of a protein is essential for revealing its structure and function. While N-terminal sequencing methods, like Edman degradation, have long been established, C-terminal sequencing poses unique challenges and is equally crucial.


      C-terminal sequencing refers to the determination of the amino acid sequence at the carboxyl end of a protein or peptide. This region often holds critical information about the protein's stability, activity, and interactions. Sequencing the C-terminus can reveal post-translational modifications and processing events that are vital for the protein's function and regulation.



      Unlike N-terminal sequencing, which has a well-established procedure in Edman degradation, C-terminal sequencing employs various techniques, each with its own advantages and limitations.


      1. Enzymatic Digestion

      Specific proteases, such as carboxypeptidases, are used to cleave amino acids sequentially from the C-terminus. The released amino acids are then identified using chromatographic or mass spectrometric methods. This approach is straightforward but can be limited by the availability and specificity of the enzymes.


      2. Mass Spectrometry

      Mass spectrometry (MS), particularly tandem MS (MS/MS), has become a cornerstone technique for C-terminal sequencing. In this method, the protein or peptide is ionized, and the ions are fragmented to produce a series of peptide fragments. The masses of these fragments are measured to deduce the C-terminal sequence. MS/MS provides high sensitivity and can handle complex mixtures, making it a powerful tool for C-terminal sequencing.


      3. Chemical Methods

      Chemical derivatization techniques, such as the use of hydrazine or cyanogen bromide, can selectively cleave at specific sites near the C-terminus. The resulting fragments are analyzed to determine the sequence. While these methods can be highly specific, they often require harsh conditions that may not be suitable for all proteins.



      Understanding the C-terminal sequence of proteins is crucial for several reasons:


      1. Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs)

      The C-terminus is often a site for PTMs, such as amidation, glycosylation, and phosphorylation, which are critical for protein function.


      2. Protein Maturation

      Proteolytic processing at the C-terminus can activate or deactivate proteins, influencing their biological roles.


      3. Structural Insights

      The C-terminal region can affect the overall stability and folding of the protein, impacting its interaction with other molecules.


      Applications in Research and Industry

      C-terminal sequencing has broad applications across various fields:


      1. Biopharmaceuticals

      In drug development, verifying the C-terminal sequence of therapeutic proteins ensures their efficacy and safety.


      2. Proteomics

      Identifying C-terminal modifications and processing events helps in understanding protein function and regulation.


      3. Diagnostics

      Biomarker discovery often involves detecting specific protein fragments, including those at the C-terminus.


      Through enzymatic, mass spectrometric, and chemical methods, researchers can decode the C-terminal sequences, unlocking a deeper understanding of proteomics. As techniques continue to advance, the precision and applicability of C-terminal sequencing will expand, further illuminating the complexities of the proteome. MtoZ Biolabs provides integrate C-terminal sequencing service.

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