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    Principle of Protein Circular Dichroism

      Circular Dichroism (CD) is a widely used spectroscopic technique in the study of biomolecules, especially proteins. The CD spectrum of proteins provides information on their secondary structure, conformational changes, interactions, and folding dynamics.


      Circular Dichroism is a technique based on the optical properties of chiral molecules. Chiral molecules can differentially absorb left-handed circularly polarized light (L-CPL) and right-handed circularly polarized light (R-CPL), leading to spectral differences. The CD spectrum is obtained by comparing the differential absorption of these two types of polarized light by the molecule.


      Protein Secondary Structure and Circular Dichroism

      The CD spectrum of proteins primarily arises from the characteristic absorption of their secondary structural elements. Common secondary structures in proteins include α-helices, β-sheets, and random coils, each producing distinctive CD signals in different wavelength ranges.


      1. α-Helices

      The α-helix structure exhibits significant negative peaks in the 190-222 nm wavelength range, with two typical negative peaks at 208 and 222 nm and a positive peak at 190 nm. These characteristic peaks are due to the regularity of hydrogen bonding and the chirality of side chains in α-helices.


      2. β-Sheets

      The β-sheet structure shows different CD spectral characteristics compared to α-helices, with a negative peak around 218 nm and a positive peak near 195 nm in the 190-230 nm wavelength range. These peaks reflect the differences in the hydrogen bond network of β-sheets.


      3. Random Coils

      The CD spectrum of random coil structures typically has a positive peak below 200 nm and a negative peak above 200 nm. This spectral feature is due to the lack of ordered secondary structure in random coils.


      Principles of Circular Dichroism

      The principle of CD spectroscopy is based on the differential absorption of left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized light by chiral molecules. This difference originates from the electronic transitions and structural asymmetry within the molecules. For proteins, their secondary structural elements (such as α-helices and β-sheets) produce characteristic electronic transitions corresponding to specific absorption bands.


      When circularly polarized light passes through a protein solution, the left-handed and right-handed photons are absorbed to different extents. This absorption difference can be expressed by the following formula:


      ΔA=AL−AR\Delta A = A_L - A_R

      where ΔA\Delta A is the CD signal, and ALA_L and ARA_R are the absorption values of left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized light, respectively. By measuring ΔA\Delta A at different wavelengths, the CD spectrum of the protein can be obtained, allowing analysis of its secondary structure.


      Circular Dichroism is a powerful tool that provides valuable spectral information on the secondary structure and dynamic changes of proteins. Understanding the CD spectrum of proteins helps to elucidate their structure-function relationships, providing an essential theoretical foundation and experimental basis for biological research. MtoZ Biolabs provides integrate protein circular dichroism analysis service.

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