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    Protein Full-length Sequencing

      Protein full-length sequencing is a technique that uses mass spectrometry to fully sequence a protein. Full-length protein sequencing plays an important role in biological and medical research because it can provide comprehensive information about a protein, including its amino acid sequence, modification sites, and chemical modifications. Moreover, full-length protein sequencing can help us understand the function, structure, and interaction of proteins with other molecules.


      The basic principle of full-length protein sequencing is to cut the protein into peptides using enzymatic or chemical methods, then sequence these peptides using mass spectrometry, and finally combine these peptide sequence information with bioinformatics techniques to obtain the full-length sequence of the protein. Among them, mass spectrometry is the core technology of full-length protein sequencing, which can provide accurate mass and amino acid sequence information of peptides.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers a one-stop full-length protein sequencing service based on a high-resolution mass spectrometry platform. Our service includes the following steps: protein extraction, protein purification, protein digestion, mass spectrometry analysis, and protein sequence assembly. The extraction and purification of proteins are aimed at ensuring high-quality protein samples are obtained. Protein digestion, performed with up to six different proteases at MtoZ Biolabs, is designed to generate peptides suitable for mass spectrometry sequencing, eliminating any missing peptides. Finally, the full-length protein sequence is reconstructed by assembling the peptide sequences obtained from mass spectrometry analysis.




      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensive: Provides complete protein sequence information, including amino acid sequences, modification sites, and chemical modifications.

      2. Accurate: Delivers precise protein sequence information with an error rate of less than 0.1%.

      3. Efficient: Capable of completing large-scale protein sequencing in a short amount of time.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Protein Concentration: > 0.1mg/mL

      Total Protein Amount : >10ug

      The sample should avoid containing impurities that affect mass spectrometry sequencing, such as enzyme cutting buffer, salts, and detergents.



      1. Experiment Procedures

      2. Parameters of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer

      3. MS Raw Data Files

      4. Peptide Identifications and Intensity

      5. Protein Identifications and Intensity



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