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    Protein Labeling Quantification

      Protein Labeling Quantification is an experimental technique used for analyzing protein expression and regulation. In the experiment, proteins are combined with specific labeling molecules, aiming to quantitatively analyze the expression levels of specific proteins or multiple proteins in different samples.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Protein Extraction

      Proteins are first extracted from the biological samples under study (such as cells, tissues, or body fluids).


      2. Protein Labeling

      Proteins are combined with chemical or isotopic labels. These labels can be Stable Isotope Labeling (like SILAC), isotopically labeled amino acids (like iTRAQ), or other specific chemical markers. These labels allow researchers to distinguish and quantify the same proteins in different samples in subsequent analysis.


      3. Protein Separation and Identification

      Proteins are separated through techniques like Liquid Chromatography (LC), Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Then, mass spectrometry (MS) is commonly used to identify and quantify the labeled proteins.


      4. Data Analysis

      Bioinformatics tools are used to analyze the collected data, comparing protein expression differences under different samples or treatment conditions.


      Protein Labeling Quantification services have wide applications in fields like biomedical research, drug development, disease diagnosis, particularly in studying how proteins are expressed and regulated under different conditions. By quantitatively analyzing the expression of proteins, researchers can better understand the mechanisms of diseases, discover potential biomarkers, or evaluate the effects of drugs.

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