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    Protein Mass Measurement

      Protein mass measurement is a technique for accurately quantifying the mass of proteins, typically achieved through mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry can determine the mass of a protein by measuring the motion trajectory of protein ions in a magnetic or electric field. The mass spectrometer can detect and measure the mass, charge, and abundance of protein ions. This information can be used to infer the molecular weight and structure of proteins.


      Precise measurement of protein mass is crucial in many biological and biomedical research, such as the discovery of disease biomarkers, the study of protein post-translational modifications, and in the process of drug development.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs provides macromolecular mass measurement service based on Bruker ultrafleXtreme™ MALDI TOF/TOF, and high-resolution protein mass measurement service via nano LC-MS. This service can be applied to accurately analyze the molecular mass, subunits, and dimerization/polymerization of multiple biotechnological molecules, including proteins, peptides, antibodies, and vaccines, etc. Our service includes the following steps:


      1. Sample preparation: Our researchers will collect and process your samples for mass measurement.

      2. Mass spectrometry analysis: We will use a mass spectrometer for analysis to determine the mass of proteins.

      3. Data analysis: Our experts will deeply analyze the mass spectrometry data to obtain accurate protein mass information.




      Figure1. Experimental Instruments of the Service of Protein Mass Measurement at MtoZ Biolabs




      Our protein mass measurement service can be applied to various fields, including but not limited to:


      • Biomarker Discovery: It can help find protein biomarkers associated with specific diseases.
      • Protein Post-translational Modification Research: It can be used to study the types, locations, and abundance of protein post-translational modifications.
      • Drug Development: It can be used to study the mechanism of action of drugs, optimize drug design, etc.



      Figure2. Protein Molecular Weight Identification Results


      Sample Submission Requirement




      All reagents/solvent used must be of the highest purity to reduce contaminating substances. Samples should be handled with extreme caution and always in clean condition. Any source that may introduce contaminating proteins should be eliminated.


      Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or special needs.

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