Mass Spectrometry-Based Protein Identification Service
You only need to collect your samples and provide them to us, and we will complete all subsequent steps. MtoZ Biolabs' mass spectrometry-based protein mass spectrometry identification/analysis service includes: sample preprocessing - protein reduction alkylation followed by digestion with highly specific proteases to obtain peptide fragments; machine analysis - separation of peptides through nano-flow chromatography combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry, collecting peptide mass spectrometry data at the highest sensitivity; database search - analyzing thousands of mass spectra (using the Uniprot database, updating the database monthly to ensure access to the latest data), thus achieving protein mass spectrometry identification of the sample; finally issuing a sample report, all done by MtoZ Biolabs in a one-stop manner:
(1) Provides a sample containing one or more proteins, such as gel strips, gel tapes, solutions, solid samples, pull-down, or Co-IP samples.
(2) Based on the sample situation, selects the appropriate enzyme for protein digestion and then performs nanoLC-MS/MS analysis.
(3) Analyze the obtained data.
(4) Receive the report within 10-15 working days.
*If your sample contains detergents/solvents, please note on the sample submission form.
How to order?