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    Protein Primary Structure Analysis: Importance of Amino Acid Sequence

      The primary structure of a protein is its most basic structural level, referring to the linear sequence of amino acids in a protein. The sequence of amino acids in a protein determines the way its higher structure is formed and its ultimate function. Therefore, analyzing the primary structure of a protein is a key step in biochemical and molecular biological research.


      Importance of Protein Primary Structure

      1. Determing Protein's 3D Structure

      The sequence of amino acids determines how a protein folds, forming secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures.


      2. Determing Protein's Function

      The function of a protein is often closely related to its structure. Specific amino acid residues in the sequence can play a key role in the function of a protein.


      3. Providing Evolutionary Information

      Similar protein sequences in different organisms may indicate that they have a common evolutionary origin.


      Methods of Analyzing Protein Primary Structure

      1. Edman Degradation

      This is a classic method that can identify amino acids at the N-terminal of a protein one by one. Although it is relatively slow, it is a very reliable sequencing method. However, this method can usually only determine the sequence of 50-60 amino acids.


      2. Mass Spectrometry

      Proteins are first cut into smaller fragments, then a mass spectrometer is used to determine the mass and sequence of each fragment. Mass spectrometry is suitable for long protein fragments and is currently the most popular method for protein sequence analysis.


      3. Gene Sequencing

      Since proteins are encoded by DNA, the amino acid sequence of a protein can be obtained by determining its corresponding gene.



      1. Disease Research

      Identifying protein sequence mutations associated with diseases.


      2. Drug Design

      The sequence of a target protein can guide the design of drugs.


      3. Evolutionary Biology

      Comparing protein sequences in different organisms to study their evolutionary relationships.


      The analysis of protein primary structure provides us with an in-depth understanding of protein function, folding, and evolution, and is the cornerstone of modern life science research.

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