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    Protein Sequencing: Key Technology for Decoding the Code of Life

      Proteins, as the fundamental molecules of life, play various roles, from enzymes catalyzing life processes to scaffolds serving cellular structures. However, to fully understand how proteins work, we first need to know which amino acids they are made of and in what order. This is where the importance of protein sequencing comes in.


      The Definition of  Protein Sequencing

      In short, protein sequencing is the determination of the specific order of amino acids in a protein. This sequence information not only provides an identity marker for the protein, but also reveals its structural and functional relationships. For example, proteins from the same family often have similarities in their sequences, suggesting that they may have similar functions or origins.


      Sequencing Methods

      The traditional Edman degradation method determines the sequence by identifying the amino acid residues of the protein one by one, but this method is usually limited to shorter protein fragments. In recent years, mass spectrometry has become the mainstream technology for protein sequencing, especially for longer proteins. Additionally, with the rise of genomics, it has also become possible to directly determine the DNA sequence of the gene encoding the protein, providing another pathway for large-scale protein identification.


      The Importance of Protein Sequencing

      First, protein sequencing is a key step in disease research. Some genetic diseases are caused by mutations in the protein sequence. Identifying these changes can help researchers find strategies to treat or prevent these diseases. Second, protein sequencing also plays a crucial role in drug discovery. By understanding the sequence and structure of the target protein, drug developers can design specific small molecules to interfere with its function. Furthermore, in the fields of biotechnology and synthetic biology, knowing the sequence of a protein is the starting point for protein engineering and can be used to improve or create new biological systems.


      Protein sequencing not only reveals the chemical basis of life to us but also provides tools and strategies to solve practical problems. With the continuous advancement of technology, we can expect more breakthroughs and applications in this field in the future.

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