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    Protein TMT

      TMT (Tandem Mass Tag) is a commonly used mass spectrometry quantification technique in proteomics. It labels proteins or peptides in different samples using a series of chemical tags, then detects and compares them in mass spectrometry analysis. This method allows for the simultaneous analysis of protein expression differences in multiple samples, thus being used to compare protein expression levels under different conditions.


      Key Features of the TMT Technology

      1. Multiplex Labeling

      TMT tags have different weights/masses, allowing multiple samples (usually 6, 10, or 11) to be analyzed in the same experiment.


      2. Accuracy and Sensitivity

      Through mass spectrometry analysis, TMT-tagged peptides can be accurately detected and quantified, providing highly sensitive and accurate protein expression data.


      3. Data Comparison

      TMT technology allows protein expression data from different samples to be directly compared, facilitating the identification of differentially expressed proteins.


      4. Broad Application

      Suitable for various types of samples, including cells, tissues, body fluids, etc.


      TMT technology is widely used in proteomics research, especially in areas such as disease mechanism research, drug target discovery, and biomarker screening. However, this technology also faces some challenges, such as high requirements for instruments, and the complexity of data processing and analysis.

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