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    PTM Analysis of Mouse Cell Histones

      Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs) play a crucial role in regulating protein functions and cell fate. Mice, as a model organism widely used in biomedical research, are highly similar to humans in genome structure and biological characteristics, making them an essential tool for understanding human biological processes and disease mechanisms. Histones, the basic units of chromatin, are subject to PTMs that directly affect chromatin structure and function, thereby regulating gene expression. Therefore, analyzing post-translational modifications of mouse histones not only helps to understand the basic rules of gene regulation in cells, but also provides an important model system for studying human genetic diseases and tumors.


      Main Types of Post-Translational Modifications

      There are many types of post-translational modifications of mouse histones, including but not limited to:


      1. Acetylation

      The addition of acetyl groups usually occurs on lysine residues, which can weaken the interaction between histones and DNA, thereby promoting gene expression.


      2. Methylation

      It can occur on lysine and arginine residues, depending on the type and location of methylation, it can activate or inhibit gene expression.


      3. Phosphorylation

      It usually occurs on serine and threonine residues and is a key modification method in signal transduction processes.


      4. Ubiquitination

      It promotes protein degradation by adding ubiquitin tags, and participates in the quality control of proteins in cells.


      MtoZ Biolabs uses the Q ExactiveHF mass spectrometry platform from Thermo Fisher, the Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometry platform, the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platform, and Nano-LC to provide phosphorylation/glycosylation/ubiquitination/acetylation/methylation/disulfide bond/nitrosylation, etc. Post-translational modification identification provides systematic qualitative and quantitative analysis of post-translational modifications of mouse histone.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity and High Resolution

      With the latest mass spectrometry instruments, trace post-translational modifications on histones can be efficiently identified and quantified, even in low abundance samples, high precision data can be obtained.


      2. Wide Coverage of Modification Types

      Not only can the most common types of post-translational modifications, such as acetylation and methylation, be analyzed, but complex modifications such as phosphorylation and ubiquitination can also be detected, providing a comprehensive PTM map for research.


      3. Quantitative Snalysis and Dynamic Monitoring

      Through labeled or unlabeled quantitative methods, the dynamic changes of histone PTM under different states can be accurately measured, revealing the relationship between cell state changes and PTM.


      By deeply analyzing the post-translational modifications of mouse histones, researchers can reveal complex cell signaling networks and gene regulation mechanisms, providing possibilities for discovering new drug targets and treatment strategies. In addition, these studies also help to understand the molecular basis of cell aging, cancer development, and hereditary diseases, which is of great significance for improving human health.

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