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    Recombinant Protein Drug FT-IR Analysis

      Recombinant protein drugs refer to protein products derived from animals and plants and developed through biotechnology research. They possess certain biological activities that can prevent, treat, and diagnose diseases in humans, animals, and plants. Compared to small molecule drugs, recombinant protein drugs hold advantages of high activity, high specificity, and low toxicity, thereby garnering extensive attention from researchers. Currently, recombinant protein drugs are widely utilized in various fields such as tumors, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, geriatric diseases, and degenerative diseases.


      Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) is a commonly used spectroscopy analysis technique, often utilized to study the molecular structure and chemical composition of proteins. It is based on the principle of molecular interaction with infrared radiation, acquiring information by measuring the intensity of infrared light absorbed or scattered by the sample.


      Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis has a wide range of applications: (1) chemical identification based on spectral differences of homogeneity, homologues, geometric and optical isomers; (2) identification of functional groups in the tested chemicals according to the wavelength of absorption; (3) purity estimation through the study of peak values of potential contaminants; (4) tracking chemical reaction processes by comparing peaks of specific functional groups; (5) quantitative analysis of chemicals through monitoring specific peaks, and so on.


      For recombinant protein drugs, FT-IR analysis can help researchers and producers understand the secondary structure of recombinant proteins, such as alpha-helices, beta-folds, and irregular curls. By analyzing the infrared spectrum of recombinant protein drugs, possible folding anomalies or denaturation can be detected promptly, thus ensuring the quality and efficacy of the drugs.


      MtoZ Biolabs has established an FT-IR analysis platform using Thermo's Nicolet series of instruments, offering a one-stop recombinant protein drug FT-IR analysis service. We can measure the infrared spectrum of recombinant proteins in samples, and perform subsequent baseline correction, Gaussian deconvolution, second derivative fitting. Finally, we determine the secondary structure information of recombinant proteins in the sample based on the peak area. Contact us for a free project consultation.

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