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    Recombinant Protein Vaccine DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) Analysis

      Recombinant protein vaccines are a type of vaccine that do not contain a complete pathogen and are prepared from specific protein antigens produced by a heterologous expression system. Due to their high safety, stability, and relatively low cost, recombinant protein vaccines have gained widespread attention from researchers in recent years. Currently, recombinant protein vaccines have been widely used for various infectious diseases, such as prevention of hepatitis B virus (HBV), tetanus, pertussis, and influenza, etc. In the analysis of recombinant protein vaccines, the determination of protein particle size is of great significance for its stability evaluation, protein interaction research, drug delivery and nanomedicine, as well as protein aggregation research.


      Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is one of the most commonly used analytical methods to determine the particle size and radius distribution in solution samples or polymers. In practical applications, DLS can be used to determine the size distribution of various particles, including proteins, polymers, etc. If the system is not dispersed in size, the average effective diameter of the particles can be determined, because the measurement depends not only on the core size of the particles, but also on the size of the surface structure, particle concentration, and type of ions in the medium.


      Advantages of DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering) Analysis

      1. Accurate, Reliable, and Repeatable Particle Size Analysis

      2. Simple Sample Preparation, Even No Preparation Needed for Direct Analysis of Natural Samples

      3. Simple Setup and Fully Automated Measurement

      4. Measurable Size Smaller than 1 nm

      5. Measurable Molecules with Molecular Weight Less than 1000 Da

      6. Low Volume Requirements


      DLS (Dynamic light scattering) analysis has been widely used in the determination of antibody drug particle size. MtoZ Biolabs provides customers with drug quality research services in compliance with global drug regulatory laws. We provide you with high-precision recombinant protein vaccine DLS (Dynamic light scattering) analysis, which can obtain important parameters such as molecular weight, gyration radius, translational diffusion constants, etc. Welcome to call for consultation!

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