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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Plant Proteomics Sequencing

      Plant proteomics sequencing is a key technology that helps scientists gain a deeper understanding of the composition, structure, and function of proteins in plant cells. With the continuous development of proteomics in biopharmaceutical research, plant proteomics sequencing plays an increasingly important role in the quantitative analysis and differential analysis of protein profiles.

    • • High-Resolution LC-MS/MS Proteomics Approach

      The discovery of biomarkers is of great significance for the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. High-resolution LC-MS/MS proteomics, as an advanced technique, can rapidly and efficiently identify and quantify the protein composition within an organism, providing strong support for the discovery of disease biomarkers.

    • • What Does Proteomics Include?

      Proteomics is one of the most important areas in the study of functional molecules in organisms, playing a crucial role in various biological activities. As an integral part of the field of biological product proteomics, proteomics aims to comprehensively analyze information about protein composition, structure, function, and interactions in order to gain a deeper understanding of biological processes and disease mechanisms in organisms.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Accelerates the Discovery of Proteomics Disease Biomarkers

      Proteomics is a binary proposition between the chicken and the egg. Our genes encode individual proteins that help form life; on the other hand, when life is threatened by disease, the composition of proteins in our body changes, which reflects our health status. Therefore, understanding proteomics in depth is not only important for scientists to understand the secrets of life, but also helps doctors discover and treat diseases.

    • • Polysaccharidomics in Glycosylation Quality Control and Efficacy Research of Biologics

      Glycosylation modification is one of the common important quality attributes in biopharmaceuticals, which has a significant impact on drug activity, stability, and immunogenicity. Glycomics, as an emerging field for studying glycosylation modification, provides powerful tools and platforms for deciphering complex glycosylation modifications in biopharmaceuticals through the comprehensive use of analytical techniques and bioinformatics methods.

    • • Key Role of PRM Validation in Proteomics

      In the field of biopharmaceutical research, we have high demands for the accuracy of data. However, in the field of proteomics, which involves a large amount of complex and ever-changing data, we face numerous challenges. In this context, PRM validation plays an indispensable role. In the following, we will explore the necessity of PRM validation and its role in proteomics.

    • • A New Approach for Efficient Protein Analysis

      Proteomics, as an important branch of biological science, has been driving the development of the biopharmaceutical field. In recent years, with the advancement of technology, proteomics techniques have also been continuously updated, providing us with more efficient and accurate protein analysis methods.

    • • Proteomics Unveiling the Cell Proteome

      The Importance of Proteomics Proteins, as the building blocks of life, are the main executors of cellular activities. The variations in the types, quantities, structures, and functions of proteins directly impact the life processes of organisms. Proteomics, the scientific study of proteins, investigates the expression, modifications, interactions, and functions of proteins in a comprehensive and systematic manner.

    • • Comprehensive Analysis of Proteomics Research

      Proteomics, as an important branch of biological science, is a discipline that comprehensively studies the structure and function of all proteins in an organism. It focuses on proteins as the research object and uses high-throughput techniques to reveal protein expression, modification, interactions, and their functions in organisms.

    • • Mass Spectrometry TMT Technology

      TMT mass spectrometry (Tandem Mass Tag) technology is a qualitative and quantitative peptide research technique based on mass spectrometry. TMT technology uses chemical labeling reagents to label peptides in whole protein extracts, enabling their separation in mass spectrometers and even distinguishing differences in single amino acid residues. This is a powerful tool for accurately identifying protein expression differences.

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