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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • Glycosylation Site and Glycan Analysis Service

      Glycosylation stands out as one of the key post-translational modifications of proteins, crucial for cellular functions and regulatory mechanisms that influence organismal growth and development. Research indicates that over half of mammalian proteins are glycoproteins, pervasive across diverse cells and tissues. Glycans exhibit considerable structural diversity, including varied branching, linkages, and configurations, imparting a broad range of biological functions vital for health, development, and survi

    • • Peptide Mass Spectrometric Identification Service

      MtoZ Biolabs is equipped with advanced mass spectrometry equipment and bioinformatics analysis tools. Combined with years of accumulated proteomics experience, we offer first-class peptide mass spectrometric identification services, achieving efficient separation and precise identification of peptides in biological samples.

    • • Identification of Peptide Biomarkers Service

      MtoZ Biolabs offers comprehensive peptide biomarker identification services that utilize state-of-the-art mass spectrometry to provide reliable solutions worldwide. Our protocols adhere to FDA/EMA guidelines, ensuring consistent and accurate results with minimal variance.

    • • Comprehensive Peptide Purity Analysis Service

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platform by Thermo Fisher, paired with nano-liquid chromatography, to deliver peptide purity analysis services. This platform enables precise detection and quantitative assessment of impurities in peptide samples. We further enhance our analysis by incorporating ultraviolet light detection (UV detection), providing a spectrum of services from basic purity tests to comprehensive impurity profiling.

    • • Biopharmaceutical Characterization Service

      MtoZ Biolabs leverages sophisticated technologies to offer extensive biopharmaceutical characterization services, spanning from the analysis of raw materials to the quality control of the final products. Our principal technologies include mass spectrometry (MS), circular dichroism (CD), crystallography (XRC), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). These technologies form an exhaustive framework for characterization at molecular and sub-molecular levels.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Based Antibody Sequencing Service

      At MtoZ Biolabs, leveraging the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos — the mass spectrometer with the highest resolution available — combined with our extensive experience in bioinformatics, we have developed a cutting-edge antibody sequencing platform. This platform performs fast and precise primary structural analyses of antibodies, accommodating various subtypes (e.g., IgG, IgM) and forms (e.g., fluorescently labeled, immobilized, cross-species).

    • • Peptide De Novo Sequencing Service

      Peptide de novo sequencing is a method of peptide sequence analysis that does not depend on existing databases. It is primarily used to determine the amino acid sequences of unknown or newly discovered peptides. This technique plays a crucial role in biomedical research and applications, providing high-resolution peptide sequence information. It is especially valuable when known sequences are unavailable in existing databases, aiding researchers in understanding complex biological processes and mechanisms,

    • • Biopharmaceutical Amino Acid Analysis Service

      Amino acids are the basic units that make up proteins. Each amino acid molecule includes an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), and a side chain (R group), where different side chains determine the different properties of amino acids. In nature, there are 20 standard amino acids, which are linked by peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains, further folding and structuring into complex protein structures. Amino acid analysis is a technique used to determine the composition and content of amino acid

    • • Biopharmaceutical N/C-Terminal Sequencing Service

      The N-terminus of a protein molecule typically encompasses the translation initiation and targeting signals, playing a crucial role in the protein's synthesis, processing, localization, and functional integrity. Conversely, the C-terminus, often embedded with functional domains and signaling motifs, significantly influences the protein's stability, functionality, and involvement in cellular signaling pathways. N-terminal signal peptides direct proteins to specific intracellular locales, such as the endoplas

    • • O-Glycosylation Site Analysis Service

      O-Glycosylation is a prevalent post-translational modification in cell biology, involving the attachment of sugar moieties to the amino acid residues serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) of proteins via glycosidic bonds. This modification profoundly influences the structure, stability, distribution, and molecular interactions of proteins. O-glycosylation analysis is pivotal in biomedical research and development, as it helps elucidate protein functions and mechanisms, particularly within disease models. Misregul

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