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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • O-Glycan Modification and Modification Site Analysis Service

      O-glycosylation is catalyzed by specific enzymes, such as O-glycosyltransferases, which recognize certain protein sequences and structures and transfer sugar units from donor molecules, typically nucleotide sugars, to amino acid residues on proteins. This glycosylation differs from N-glycosylation as it occurs at more varied sites and involves diverse sugar types, without relying on a consensus sequence. O-glycosylation predominantly affects serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) residues, and occasionally tyrosin

    • • N-Glycan Modification and Modification Site Analysis Service

      N-glycoproteins are proteins modified by the addition of glycan chains through N-glycosylation on specific amino acid residues. This modification predominantly occurs in sequences containing asparagine (Asn) residues within the Asn-X-Ser/Thr motif, where X represents any amino acid except proline. N-glycans critically influence protein folding, stability, biological activity, and intercellular communication. For instance, glycan chains can alter protein's three-dimensional structure, affecting their molecul

    • • Biopharmaceutical Purity Analysis Service

      Biopharmaceutical purity is defined as the ratio of the content of target active ingredients to other impurities in biopharmaceutical products. The primary factors influencing biopharmaceutical purity include: (1) Host Cell Proteins (HCP): protein impurities originating from the host cells during the production process. (2) Residual DNA: genetic material remnants from host cells. (3) Process-related impurities: impurities introduced during production, including components of culture media, cleaning agents,

    • • Biopharmaceutical N-Terminal Sequencing Service

      N-terminal sequencing identifies the amino acid sequence initiating from the N-terminus of proteins, crucial for confirming protein identity, understanding functional mechanisms, and evaluating therapeutic and safety impacts of post-translational modifications. The N-terminal sequence can influence protein stability, activity, and biomolecular interactions, essential for consistent therapeutic protein production and compliance with strict regulatory standards.

    • • Biopharmaceutical Identification Analysis Service

      Biopharmaceuticals are drugs developed using biotechnological methods, typically derived from microorganisms, plants, or animal cells. Unlike traditional chemically synthesized drugs, the development and production of biopharmaceuticals involve complex biological processes, including genetic engineering, cell culture, and fermentation. These drugs encompass monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, vaccines, gene therapy products, and cell therapy products. Biopharmaceuticals generally have large molecul

    • • Antibody C-Terminal Variation Analysis Service

      Antibody variations are minor structural modifications within antibody molecules that potentially impact their functionality and stability. Notably, variations often occur at the C-terminus—the heavy chain's end—of the antibody. These can arise from RNA editing errors during genetic recombination, post-translational modifications, or both internal and external cellular factors. Common C-terminal variations include incomplete cleavage, amino acid substitutions, and extensions of glycine. Such changes predomi

    • • Protein Molecular Weight Determination Analysis Service

      Molecular weight is a critical measure of biomolecule size, including proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids, in biopharmaceuticals. It significantly influences drug efficacy, stability, biological activity, and safety. Evaluating the molecular weight provides insights into a biopharmaceutical's structural complexity, purity, and post-translational modifications, essential for assessing drug quality, efficacy, and safety. Variations in molecular weight can affect drug performance and may be linked to adverse

    • • Biopharmaceutical Glycosylation Site Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs employs state-of-the-art mass spectrometry alongside expert bioinformatics to offer glycosylation site analysis for biopharmaceuticals. These analyses not only verify glycosylation sites within products but also assess the glycan chains' diversity and complexity, providing accurate scientific support for drug design and quality control.

    • • Biopharmaceutical Peptide Mapping Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolab offers in-depth peptide mapping services utilizing state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), complemented by expert proteolytic processing. This method effectively digests proteins, precisely measures each peptide, and ensures accurate, reproducible results.

    • • Biopharmaceutical Disulfide Bond Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs' biopharmaceutical disulfide bond analysis service employing high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) alongside advanced bioinformatics, MtoZ Biolabs offers extensive qualitative and quantitative disulfide bond analyses. Our methodologies precisely pinpoint all disulfide bonds within proteins, identifying both correctly formed and mismatched bonds as well as any potential free sulfhydryl groups.

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