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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • Biopharmaceutical Variation Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs offers advanced variation analysis services for biopharmaceuticals, utilizing cutting-edge mass spectrometry to precisely identify minute variations in drug molecules. This service aims to refine product design, expedite clinical trials, and ensure the efficacy and safety of biopharmaceuticals.

    • • Antibody Epitope Mapping Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs employs advanced mass spectrometry technology to offer epitope mapping services. These services enable researchers to accurately identify antibody binding sites on antigens and explore pathogen infection and antibody defense mechanisms thoroughly. With a wealth of experience in experimental design, our team offers strong scientific support for antibody and vaccine research.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Data Processing and Analysis Service

      MS technology identifies biomolecules by measuring their mass-to-charge ratio. This involves ionizing the sample to generate ions, which are precisely measured by a mass spectrometer. The large and complex datasets produced necessitate robust data processing and analysis capabilities. MtoZ Biolabs leverages the latest computational technologies and algorithms to deliver end-to-end services from data collection to interpretation.

    • • Bioinformatics Service

      MtoZ Biolabs' bioinformatics service department focuses on the efficient processing and analysis of proteomics data. Our team possesses deep expertise in protein sequence analysis and rapid identification of protein-protein interactions, which effectively reveals the biological functions of proteins and their regulatory mechanisms.

    • • Acylation Quantitative Proteomics Service

      Acylation is a pivotal post-translational modification influencing how proteins interact, signal, and function within cells. This process, extending beyond simple acetylation to include complex forms like propionylation and succinylation, is crucial for understanding how proteins regulate cellular and metabolic pathways. At MtoZ Biolabs, our acylation quantitative analysis service dives deep into these modifications to uncover their roles in health and disease, providing essential insights for identifyi

    • • Bioinformatics Customized Service

      MtoZ Biolabs specializes in bioinformatics customized service, designed to meet the complex data analysis demands of research teams and enterprises. Our comprehensive support extends from project design to data interpretation, ensuring clients fully utilize their experimental results

    • • SUMO Modification Analysis Service

      The Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (SUMO) is an important post-translational modification that proteins undergo, involving the covalent attachment of a small, ubiquitin-like modifier to target proteins. SUMO proteins, typically about 100 amino acids in length and structurally similar to ubiquitin, have four main versions identified in mammals, from SUMO 1 to SUMO 4.

    • • Top-Down Based PTMs Characterization Service

      In proteomics research and applications, understanding the complete structure and post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins is crucial for revealing their functions and pathological roles. Although traditional bottom-up mass spectrometry analysis is widely used for characterizing protein structures, it involves enzymatic digestion of proteins into shorter peptides, a process that often leads to the loss of critical biological information. To overcome these limitations, top-down mass spectrometry a

    • • Glycoproteomics Analysis Service

      Glycoproteomics explores the intricate world of protein glycosylation, assessing how sugars attach to proteins and the resultant impact on biological functions. This field is vital, particularly in biopharmaceuticals, where understanding glycosylation can significantly influence the safety and efficacy of therapies, including recombinant proteins.

    • • Glycoprotein Profiling Service

      Glycoproteins, essential components within protein molecules, are covalently bonded to sugar groups, playing pivotal roles in cellular functions and disease processes. They are central to signal transduction, immune responses, and pathogen interactions, and are crucial in identifying disease biomarkers. Given the critical role of glycoproteins in biopharmaceutical advancements, particularly in treatments for cardiovascular and oncological conditions, our services are increasingly vital.

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