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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • Glycosylation Site Analysis Service

      Glycosylation, a critical post-translational modification, involves attaching sugar chains to specific amino acid residues, profoundly influencing protein functionality including folding, stability, and interactions with other biomolecules. Crucial for normal cellular operations and linked to various diseases such as cancer, understanding glycosylation is vital, particularly in biopharmaceutical research where it yields essential insights into protein mechanisms.

    • • Antibody De Novo Sequencing Service

      In the field of biopharmaceuticals and antibody research, accurate sequencing of antibodies is crucial for understanding how they bind to antigens. At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide cutting-edge de novo antibody sequencing services tailored for structural analysis of monoclonal antibodies and humanization of therapeutic antibodies.

    • • Chemical Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs delivers comprehensive CXMS services from sample preparation through to data analysis. We leverage precise mass spectrometry and innovative cross-linking approaches to capture and analyze both stable and transient protein interactions, offering extensive interaction networks and detailed interface mapping. Our offerings encompass standard CXMS analyses and tailored experimental designs to fulfill the unique demands of drug development and biological research.

    • • Byonic Software Analysis Service

      In biopharmaceutical and bioscience research, proteomics has emerged as an essential tool, enabling researchers to comprehensively understand protein functions, structures, and interactions. MtoZ Biolabs employs the advanced Byonic software, delivering premier protein identification and analysis services to the scientific community.

    • • PhIP-Seq Antibody Analysis Service

      Phage Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (PhIP-Seq) is a revolutionary approach that integrates oligonucleotide-encoded peptide pools with phage display libraries and high-throughput DNA sequencing. This technique allows for an in-depth analysis of antibody-peptide binding affinities across a standardized "peptidome," representing the entire protein sequence library. Not only does it measure the binding strength of specific peptides to antibodies, but it also facilitates comparisons across a spectrum of peptide

    • • Protein De Novo Sequencing and Mutation Analysis Services

      Proteins are fundamental to biological functions and are indispensable in biopharmaceutical applications, including the development of diagnostic agents, drug discovery, and assay kit innovation. Traditional mass spectrometry techniques like MALDI-TOF and nanoLC-MS/MS, while effective for identifying known proteins, often struggle with novel, non-database, or mutated proteins. To overcome these limitations, we offer a more robust and comprehensive approach to ensure accurate and complete protein sequence id

    • • Histone Modification Analysis Service

      Histones are vital nuclear proteins that bind to DNA and regulate gene expression. Their post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation, play pivotal roles in cell signaling and gene regulation, crucial for understanding biological complexities and disease progression, including cancer. Mass spectrometry, renowned for its sensitivity and resolution, is the method of choice for histone PTM analysis. This technique, enhanced by rapid scanning and precise measure

    • • Antibody Light and Heavy Chain Sequencing Service

      Antibodies consist of light chains (LC) and heavy chains (HC), and these two parts together determine the specificity and function of the antibody. Through efficient sequencing technology, we can precisely resolve the full-length amino acid sequences of LC and HC, providing solid data support for antibody development and application.

    • • IgM Antibody Sequencing Service

      MtoZ Biolabs leverages the high-resolution Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer and a wealth of bioinformatics expertise to offer a pioneering antibody sequencing platform. This platform adeptly analyzes various antibody subtypes (such as IgM and IgG) and formats (including fluorescently labeled, immobilized, and multispecies antibodies), providing one-stop services that ensure comprehensive coverage of antibody sequences and detailed reports.

    • • Antibody Full Amino Acid Sequencing Service

      The core of antibody full amino acid sequencing involves determining the amino acid sequence of antibody proteins using mass spectrometry (MS) technology. MS technology employs Electrospray Ionization (ESI) or Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) to ionize proteins and measure their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The process begins with enzymatic digestion of the protein into smaller peptide fragments. These peptides are then analyzed using MS to obtain their mass data and fragmentation informat

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