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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • Antibody CDR Sequencing Service

      The complementarity-determining region (CDR) is the critical part of an antibody that determines its specific binding capability. Each antibody's variable region (VR) contains three CDRs, which together form the antigen-binding site. These CDRs are composed of amino acid sequences found in the variable regions of the antibody's light chain (LC) and heavy chain (HC). Specifically, each chain has three CDRs: CDR1, CDR2, and CDR3. The diversity in the sequences of these CDRs enables antibodies to recognize and

    • • Protein Disulfide Bond Analysis Service

      Disulfide bonds are essential post-translational modifications in proteins, consisting of covalent bonds between sulfur atoms from two cysteine residues. These bonds are crucial for protein folding, stability, and function. In biopharmaceuticals, precise disulfide bond characterization is vital for drug development and biological activity evaluations, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of biotherapeutics.

    • • Top-Down Protein Sequencing Service

      Top-down protein sequencing is an advanced mass spectrometry technique used for the direct analysis and identification of intact protein molecules. Compared with the traditional bottom-up protein sequencing method, top-down protein sequencing provides more comprehensive and accurate structural information of proteins, making it significant for studying post-translational modifications, polymorphisms, and isomers. The essence of top-down protein sequencing lies in the mass spectrometry analysis of intact pro

    • • Comprehensive Peptide Mapping Service

      Peptide mapping is a powerful technique for identifying and characterizing proteins. By integrating mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography (LC), peptide mapping analysis can deliver the following key insights: (1) Amino Acid Sequence of Proteins: Peptide mapping can elucidate the amino acid sequence of proteins by analyzing the peptides produced from enzymatic digestion. (2) Protein Modifications: Detection of post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation and glycosylation. (3) Prote

    • • Peptide Sequencing Service

      Peptides are molecules composed of two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of proteins, while peptides are intermediates between amino acids and proteins. Based on the number of amino acids, peptides can be categorized into oligopeptides (2-10 amino acids), polypeptides (10-50 amino acids), and proteins (more than 50 amino acids). Peptides play various critical roles in organisms, such as: (1) Signal Transduction: Peptide hormones like insulin and gro

    • • Antibody Sequencing Service

      Antibody is a protein molecule produced by B lymphocytes in the immune system. It is mainly composed of four polypeptide chains, including two heavy chains and two light chains. These four chains are connected by disulfide bonds to form a Y-shaped structure. The basic unit of an antibody includes two functional regions: (1) Variable Region (V region): Located at the two arms of the antibody, it is an important region that determines the specificity of the antibody. The variable region can bind to specific a

    • • PCR Based Antibody Sequencing Service

      Antibodies are crucial molecules employed by the immune system to recognize and neutralize foreign substances. Antibody sequencing is a fundamental technique used to determine the amino acid sequence of antibodies, thus elucidating their structure and function. This technology has wide-ranging applications, including drug development, disease research, and personalized medicine.

    • • Edman Based Protein Sequencing Service

      The Edman degradation method, proposed by Pehr Edman in 1950, is a protein sequencing technique that determines the amino acid sequence of a protein by sequentially removing and identifying the N-terminal amino acids of a polypeptide chain. The Edman degradation method is significant in protein research. It provides precise determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of proteins, particularly suitable for short peptides and purified proteins. It helps verify the translation start sites of proteins,

    • • Protein Amino Acid Composition Analysis Service

      Proteins are complex biological macromolecules formed by amino acids linked through peptide bonds. The specific types and sequences of amino acids dictate the protein's structure and function. The three-dimensional structure of a protein is inherently determined by its amino acid sequence, where the chemical properties of each amino acid (such as hydrophilicity, hydrophobicity, and acidity) influence protein folding and final structure, subsequently affecting its biological function. Amino acid composition

    • • Antibody Deamidation and Isomerization Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs provides sophisticated analytical services for antibody deamidation and isomerization using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS), allowing for precise analysis of these chemical modifications. This approach enables the identification and quantification of crucial chemical changes, supporting researchers in evaluating the stability and function of antibody products.

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