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    Sequencing Analysis

    • • LC-MS Based Host Residual Protein Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes Thermo Fisher’s Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer combined with nano-liquid chromatography, offering an LC-MS based service for detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of HCPs, ensuring comprehensive coverage and precision in biopharmaceutical applications.

    • • Nanopore Protein Sequencing Service

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we leverage nanopore technology integrated with sophisticated machine learning algorithms and an extensive proteomics database to offer streamlined protein fingerprinting services. Our adoption of amino acid labeling enhances both the precision and control of the sequencing process, ensuring accurate amino acid sequencing of individual protein molecules.

    • • Multi-Channel Phosphorylated Protein Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs employs the cutting-edge Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer, coupled with nano-liquid chromatography, to offer integrated multi-channel phosphorylated protein analysis services. You need only specify their requirements and submit their samples; we manages all subsequent processes, with free consultations available.

    • • Protein Sequencing Service

      Protein sequencing, fundamental for examining the primary structure of proteins, aims to accurately determine the amino acid sequences within protein molecules, essential for understanding their functions and structural properties. Since pioneering the sequencing of insulin in 1953, protein sequencing has been a foundational aspect of biochemical research. Employing techniques such as mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, this field has significantly advanced, with mass spectrometry being notably favored

    • • Protein Post-Translational Modification Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs employs mass spectrometry (MS) to analyze protein PTMs, utilizing its high sensitivity and precision, which are essential in proteomic research. MS is capable of detecting and quantifying trace modifications within protein samples, offering extensive details on modification types and sites, thus facilitating comprehensive PTM analysis.

    • • Protein Mass Spectrometry Sequencing Service

      Protein sequencing is crucial for understanding the functions and structures of biomolecules. Mass spectrometry, known for its high precision and sensitivity, is the preferred method for analyzing protein sequences. This technique employs both bottom-up and top-down strategies. The bottom-up approach cleaves proteins into shorter peptides via specific enzymes or chemicals, then measures their mass and matches them against database records to reconstruct the original sequence, excelling in detecting amino

    • • Single Molecule Fluorescence Sequencing Service

      As a rapidly growing protein sequencing service provider, MtoZ Biolabs focuses on developing innovative methods for protein sequencing. Our newly introduced SMFS utilizes high-sensitivity fluorescent labeling and modern image analysis technology, providing another revolutionary tool for scientific research and clinical protein analysis.

    • • Protein N-Terminal Sequencing Service

      Understanding the structure of a protein's N-terminus is essential in biopharmaceuticals and protein engineering. N-terminal sequencing is the standard technique for verifying the boundaries of biologics and recombinant proteins, assessing protease-resistant regions, and identifying proteins in unknown species. This technique ensures the accuracy of protein synthesis and processing and characterizes the protein's functions, including detecting modifications like acetylation or phosphorylation, which affect

    • • Protein C-Terminal Sequencing Service

      Protein C-terminal sequencing is essential for analyzing protein integrity and serves as a key gateway to understanding their biological functions and regulatory mechanisms. Although typically brief, the C-terminal region carries diverse biological roles, including serving as localization signals, binding sites, and regulatory areas. These functionalities are often linked to its structure and specific C-terminal modifications such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, or other types of modifications. Thus, pre

    • • Protein Full-Length Sequencing Sercive

      Accurate determination of a protein's full-length sequence is essential in biopharmaceuticals and genetic engineering. Understanding the entire sequence from the N-terminus to the C-terminus is vital for comprehending a protein's biological functions within cells. In protein engineering and biopharmaceutical applications, precisely identifying the full sequence of therapeutic proteins is crucial for ensuring their bioactivity and functionality, providing key data for the development and optimization of trea

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