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    Sequencing of Proteins, Peptides, and Antibodies in Biomedicine

      Biopharmaceuticals and personalized medicine are hot fields in the development of the pharmaceutical industry today. Proteins, peptides, and antibodies are important molecules in the body and are important objects of research in biopharmaceuticals and personalized medicine. With the continuous advancement of protein, peptide, and antibody sequencing technology, they are playing an increasingly important role in the medical field.


      Precision Medicine and Targeted Therapy

      Through protein and polypeptide sequencing, we can understand the differences of individuals at the protein and peptide levels. These differences may lead to different susceptibilities to diseases, drug responses, and treatment effects. With this technology, doctors can more accurately assess the disease status of patients, predict the trend of disease progression, and formulate more personalized treatment plans, improve treatment effects and reduce side effects.


      1. Protein Sequencing

      Protein sequencing helps to accurately analyze the amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure of disease-related proteins, and then reveal their biological functions and interaction mechanisms, providing potential targets for new drug research.


      2. Peptide Sequencing

      Peptides, as bioactive molecules, have various biological functions and are important candidates for new drugs. Through peptide sequencing, we can discover new peptide drugs with specific bioactivity, such as peptide hormones and peptide antibodies, providing powerful tools for targeted therapy. At present, peptide drugs have shown broad application prospects in the treatment of tumors, hepatitis, diabetes, and AIDS.


      Antibody-Based Therapy

      Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system that can bind to specific markers on cells or tissues. In cancer treatment, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can directly kill cancer cells, prevent the development of tumor blood vessels, and help the immune system kill cancer cells. Therapies based on mAbs have now become the gold standard for cancer treatment, and the number and types of clinically applicable mAb-based therapies are also increasing.


      1. Antibody Sequencing

      Antibody sequencing can reveal antigen-antibody binding affinity, antibody epitopes, and post-translational modifications, and precise antibody characterization can ensure the best therapeutic effect.


      2. Customized Antibodies

      Personalized antibodies can be targeted at specific diseases, minimize side effects, and improve patient treatment results.


      Drug Design Optimization

      1. Protein 3D Structure

      More and more protein structure information is being determined as potential drug targets, and protein structure is used as the basis for identifying or designing new compounds that can bind to targets and inhibit target proteins. Under the combination of sequencing and structural biology, the conformation of the protein is also revealed, providing valuable information for drug design and interaction research.


      2. Peptide Mimetics

      Peptide sequencing can accurately determine the sequence of peptides, which helps to design peptide drugs that mimic natural protein interactions, providing strong support for the research and optimization of peptide drugs.


      Quality Control & Drug Purity Verification

      In the biopharmaceutical process, protein and peptide sequencing technology can be used to verify the amino acid sequence of recombinant protein products and peptide drugs to ensure their quality and purity. This step is crucial for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drugs. Through sequencing technology, potential impurities or mutants can be found and eliminated in time to ensure the consistency and stability of drugs.


      Biomarker Discovery & Drug Candidate Identification

      1. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Technology for Proteomics

      High-throughput protein sequencing technology can comprehensively analyze proteomics, helping to discover biological markers and disease monitoring. For example, by comparing the differences in proteins between healthy and diseased tissues, researchers can find markers related to diseases.


      2. NGS in Antibody Discovery

      NGS provides a guide for selecting ideal antibody drug candidates, thereby efficiently identifying similar drug candidates and speeding up development time.



      1. Companion Diagnostics

      Companion diagnostics can provide information about the patient's therapeutic response to therapeutic drugs. Sequencing technology provides a powerful tool for companion diagnostics. Through sequencing, we can obtain the sequence information of proteins, peptides, and antibodies in the patient's body, and identify molecular markers related to specific diseases or treatment targets. These markers are important for judging whether the patient is suitable for a certain targeted therapy, and for predicting the effect and possible adverse reactions of the treatment. Therefore, sequencing-guided companion diagnostics can help doctors stratify patients, that is, divide patients into different subgroups according to their genes, proteins, and other molecular characteristics. In this way, doctors can formulate personalized targeted treatment plans for patients based on their specific conditions, thereby improving the specificity and effectiveness of treatment.


      2. Optimizing Immunotherapy

      Immunotherapy is a method mainly for cancer. Based on the information of antibody sequencing, doctors will choose the antibody drugs that are most suitable for patients. These antibody drugs can accurately identify and attack cancer cells, reducing damage to normal cells. At the same time, by optimizing the structure and function of antibodies, the effect of cancer treatment can be improved.


      Protein, peptide, and antibody sequencing has broad application prospects in the field of biomedicine. They provide strong technical support for precision medicine, drug design optimization, and disease diagnosis and treatment. With the continuous advancement of technology and the improvement of methods, these sequencing technologies will play a more important role in the future and promote the development of the field of biomedicine.


      MtoZ Biolabs is a CRO detection agency based on biological mass spectrometry. The company is based on Thermo Fisher's Q ExactiveHF mass spectrometer, Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometer, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer combined with Nano-LC and rich biological analysis experience, and has established a new generation of protein, peptide, and antibody sequencing platforms. You only need to tell us the purpose of the experiment and send the samples, MtoZ Biolabs provides one-stop services including protein extraction, protein enzymatic hydrolysis, peptide enrichment, peptide separation, mass spectrometry analysis, mass spectrometry raw data analysis, bioinformatics analysis, Free project evaluation!

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