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    Single Clone Antibody Variable Region Sequencing

      Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific biological molecules that are crucial in many areas like disease diagnosis, treatment, and biomarker discovery. They can trigger an immune response in the human body by recognizing and binding to specific antigens, thereby combating pathogens. However, to develop monoclonal antibodies with high specificity and affinity, sequencing of the antibody's variable region is required. Sequencing the variable region of a monoclonal antibody refers to decoding the genetic information of the antigen binding site, or variable region (Variable region), in the monoclonal antibody.


      Process of Sequencing the Variable Region of a Monoclonal Antibody 

      1. Extract Antibody RNA

      Total RNA is extracted from the prepared monoclonal antibody samples.


      2. Reverse Transcription into cDNA

      The RNA is transformed into cDNA using reverse transcriptase.


      3. PCR Amplification of Variable Region

      The variable region is amplified by PCR.


      4. Sequencing and Analysis

      The amplified variable region is sequenced, and its sequence is analyzed.


      Sequencing the variable region of a monoclonal antibody enables us to understand its specific amino acid sequence, which can clarify the antibody's specificity and affinity.

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