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    Targeted Metabolomics Service

      Metabolomics plays a crucial role in identifying the physiological responses of organisms to environmental stimuli or disease states by analyzing all metabolites. This comprehensive approach provides valuable insights for early disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Within this field, targeted metabolomics stands out for its precision and high-throughput capabilities, making it a vital component of research. This method specifically analyzes selected groups of metabolites using advanced mass spectrometry, allowing researchers to measure the exact concentrations and track the distribution and fluctuations of these metabolites within the body. Understanding these detailed metabolite profiles is essential for deciphering the development and mechanisms underlying various diseases.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs leverages top-tier LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS technologies for precise targeted metabolomics analysis. We utilize advanced chromatographic techniques, including RP and HILIC, for the effective separation and purification of metabolites. Depending on the target analytes' properties, we employ techniques like SRM or MRM in positive ionization mode to ensure accurate quantification.

      Our Advanced Equipment Includes:

      • AN Sciex Qtrap 6500 Plus: Known for its high sensitivity and throughput, ideal for comprehensive analyses.
      • AB 5600 Triple Quadrupole TOF: Capable of swift data collection and highly precise mass measurements.
      • Agilent 7890-5977: Integrates GC and MS/MS for superior analysis of complex samples.
      • Thermo Scientific TSQTM 9000: Specifically designed to meet rigorous analytical demands, providing dependable results.




      Service Advantages

      We have top-tier equipment and a professional team that can accurately and efficiently perform targeted metabolite measurements on a variety of complex samples, including blood, urine, tissues, and cells. Our targeted metabolomics service can provide customers with:

      • High selectivity and sensitivity analysis
      • Comprehensive targeted metabolite databases
      • Customized data analysis services


      Sample Submission Requirements

      To ensure the accuracy of the test results, we have certain requirements for the quality and quantity of samples. We offer tailored preparation recommendations for various sample types:

      • Tissue Samples: At least 100 mg of plant tissue and 50 mg of animal tissue are required, with animal tissues thoroughly washed with PBS to remove blood.
      • Cell Samples: At least 5×10^6cells, or a minimum of 100 μL cell pellet, triple-rinsed with PBS to eliminate serum residues.
      • Plasma/Serum Samples: Extracted from fresh blood, treated and centrifuged at 4°C, taking care to prevent hemolysis, recommended volume at least 100μL.
      • Urine and Saliva Samples: Minimum volumes of 1mL and 0.5 mL, respectively.
      • Cerebrospinal Fluid: At least 1mL
      • Feces and Intestinal Contents: At least 100mg necessary.


      MtoZ Biolabs not only offers standard analysis services but also tailors methods and develops innovative research techniques based on specific partnership needs. We are dedicated to providing detailed and accurate data alongside comprehensive reports. For additional information on metabolite testing or to discuss your specific requirements, please reach out to our expert team through our contact form. We are ready to deliver professional and customized solutions.

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