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    Tear Metabolomics Service

      Tears are not only essential for moisturizing the eyeball and protecting against microbial invasions but also serve as a rich source of physiological and pathological information. They reflect an individual’s health condition, including responses to medications and environmental exposures. Due to their complex composition and low metabolite concentrations, tear samples present unique analytical challenges. However, their non-invasive collection and the specificity of their metabolites make tear metabolomics analysis a promising tool for diagnosing diseases and identifying biomarkers.



      Catanese, S. et al. Talanta. 2023.

      Figure1. Validation of Metabolomic Analyses of Human Tears Using UHPLC-MS/MS


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Leveraging advanced liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) technology, MtoZ Biolabs offers specialized tear metabolomics services. These services are designed to comprehensively analyze both specific and broad-spectrum metabolites within samples, facilitating in-depth research. Our services include:

      1. Untargeted Analysis

      • Extensive metabolic profiling
      • High-throughput identification of metabolites
      • Metabolic pathway analysis
      • Discovery and validation of novel biomarkers

      2. Targeted Analysis

      Standard curve creation, meticulous preprocessing of raw data, and precise quantification

      3. Bioinformatics Analysis

      • Assessment of sample quality and analysis of batch effects
      • Detailed metabolite characterization
      • Differential screening of metabolites and multivariate statistical analysis
      • Advanced biomarker research, including pathway and network analysis


      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity and Specificity

      Utilizing cutting-edge LC-MS technology enables the detection of ultra-low concentration metabolites, ensuring highly accurate and reproducible results.

      2. Advanced Data Processing

      Automated workflows and sophisticated algorithms enhance the efficiency and precision of our data analyses.

      3. Customized Services

      Tailored from experimental design through to data interpretation, based on client research needs.



      • Disease Diagnosis: Identification of disease-specific biomarkers for conditions such as dry eye syndrome and diabetes.
      • Drug Metabolism Monitoring: Evaluation of drug metabolic profiles to support tailored therapeutic strategies.
      • Environmental Exposure Assessment: Detection and analysis of environmental pollutants, like heavy metals, and their impact on human health.


      MtoZ Biolabs' tear metabolomics services deliver precise analyses and deep insights to empower your research. For further information or to tailor our services to your needs, please contact our technical support team. We are dedicated to utilizing state-of-the-art technology to facilitate your research objectives.

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