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    The Range of Molecular Weight Measured by MALDI-TOF

      Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a sophisticated analytical technique employed for determining ion masses. This method is capable of measuring a wide array of molecular masses, ranging from small molecules and oligonucleotides to peptides, proteins, and even large polymers and complexes.


      Molecular Mass Range

      MALDI-TOF MS surpasses other mass spectrometry techniques in its ability to analyze an extensive range of molecular masses. Ideally, it can measure molecules from a few hundred Daltons (Da) up to several million Daltons. However, in practical scenarios, its range is typically limited to around 200,000 Daltons. The primary limitation arises from the decreased ionization efficiency observed with very large molecules, consequently affecting detection sensitivity. Moreover, the precision and accuracy in measuring these large molecular masses may be compromised.



      MALDI-TOF MS finds utility in various applications, such as protein identification, protein expression profiling, protein quantification, MS/MS peptide sequencing, oligonucleotide mass spectrometry, and the analysis of small molecules and polymers.


      MALDI-TOF MS remains a potent analytical tool, particularly for applications necessitating the measurement of large molecular masses. Nevertheless, for molecular masses exceeding 200,000 Daltons, alternative analytical methods may be required.


      MtoZ Biolabs, an integrated chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS) services provider.

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      MALDI TOF Molecular Weight Identification Service

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