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    Tissue Metabolomics Service

      Although conventional metabolomics studies often rely on biological samples such as plasma, serum, or urine, which are easy to obtain through minimally invasive or non-invasive methods, they may not fully reflect the metabolic changes at the tissue level of diseases. Therefore, performing metabolomics analysis directly on tissue samples from animal models or human biopsies can more accurately reveal disease-related metabolic changes and mechanisms. Although the acquisition of tissue samples is usually invasive, it allows us to directly compare the metabolites in diseased and non-diseased tissues, thereby deeply exploring the metabolic characteristics and mechanisms of diseases.


      The challenges of tissue metabolomics lie in the heterogeneity of samples, the selection of extraction techniques, and the biological interpretation of data. Furthermore, due to the limited amount of samples, especially when conducting human tissue biopsies, developing an efficient and tissue-saving metabolite extraction process becomes particularly important.



      Saoi, M. et al. Metabolites. 2021.

      Figure1. Overview of a Classic Data Workflow for Tissue Metabolomic Studies


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Utilizing state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), MtoZ Biolabs delivers tailored metabolomics analysis services for tissue samples. We have refined various protocols for sample preparation and extraction to ensure robust metabolite analysis, even from minimal tissue quantities. Our offerings include:

      1. Untargeted Analysis

      • Extensive metabolic profiling
      • High-throughput identification of metabolites
      • Metabolic pathway analysis
      • Discovery and validation of novel biomarkers

      2. Targeted Analysis

      Standard curve creation, meticulous preprocessing of raw data, and precise quantification

      3. Bioinformatics Analysis

      • Assessment of sample quality and analysis of batch effects
      • Detailed metabolite characterization
      • Differential screening of metabolites and multivariate statistical analysis
      • Advanced biomarker research, including pathway and network analysis


      Service Advantages

      1. Personalized Metabolomics Strategies

      • Our untargeted analysis screens for all metabolites, identifying differential compounds and potential new biomarkers.
      • Our targeted analysis ensures precise quantification of specific metabolites, focusing particularly on those within crucial biological pathways.

      2. Advanced Sample Handling and Extraction Techniques

      • We choose the most suitable extraction methods based on the sample type and research goals, maximizing metabolite recovery and data accuracy.
      • Our techniques are optimized for small samples, aligning with both ethical standards and research requirements.

      3. Comprehensive Data Processing and Analysis

      • We employ sophisticated bioinformatics tools for thorough data quality control, metabolite analysis, and differential assessment.
      • Our reports and visualizations are designed to be clear and informative, aiding in the understanding of disease mechanisms and biomarker identification.


      MtoZ Biolabs' tissue metabolomics services provide a robust scientific basis for your research and clinical applications. We invite you to contact us to explore more or to discuss your specific requirements. We are eager to collaborate and contribute to the advancement of life sciences.

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