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    Untargeted Metabolomics Plus Analysis Service: A New Breakthrough in Metabolomics

      As the importance of metabolomics in systems biology continues to rise, untargeted metabolomics has emerged as a groundbreaking technique. By detecting broad metabolite changes in biological samples, it unveils complex biological processes and disease mechanisms.


      MtoZ Biolabs' Untargeted Metabolomics Plus service, based on the LC-MS/MS platform, integrates cutting-edge technology with years of expertise in mass spectrometry, providing researchers and drug developers with efficient, precise, and comprehensive metabolite analysis solutions.


      Untargeted Metabolomics Plus Analysis Service-A New Breakthrough in Metabolomics1.jpg

      Figure1. Non-target Metabolism Plus Analysis Technology Principle


      Service Overview

      The Untargeted Metabolomics Plus analysis service employs the most advanced LC-MS/MS technology, enabling the highly sensitive and wide dynamic range capture of metabolite data from complex biological samples. Unlike traditional targeted metabolomics, untargeted analysis does not require pre-defined metabolite targets, instead reflecting the dynamic changes across the entire metabolic pathways in the sample. MtoZ Biolabs further upgrades this approach by introducing the Untargeted Metabolomics Plus service, offering a broader metabolite coverage and enhanced detection sensitivity, making it instrumental in identifying disease-related metabolic features and driving biomarker discovery and systems biology research.


      Key Features of Untargeted Metabolomics Plus

      1. Significantly Enhanced Metabolite Identification

      The Untargeted Metabolomics Plus service can detect over 2,100 metabolites in a single sample, covering a range of 1,000 to 1,700 metabolite species, with a maximum detection count of up to 1,300 metabolites, representing a 1.0 to 2.4-fold improvement over traditional techniques. This extensive coverage significantly deepens and broadens metabolic pathway analysis.


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      2. Upgraded Database and Standardized Analysis

      MtoZ Biolabs has developed a comprehensive metabolite database containing 30,000 standard metabolites and 1 million MS/MS spectra. This is further integrated with high-coverage pathways from KEGG and HMDB for primary metabolites and blood sample spectra, ensuring comprehensive metabolite identification and annotation. Additionally, MtoZ Biolabs adheres to the Metabolomics Standards Initiative (MSI) guidelines to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of all data.


      3. High Precision with Rigorous Quality Control

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes a globally recognized standard metabolite library and an engineered data processing platform. With parameters such as Similarity Score for precise metabolite matching, the entire workflow is subject to rigorous quality control, from sample preparation to data analysis. This ensures high repeatability and stability in all results, with consistent metabolite identification validated across multiple experiments.



      The Untargeted Metabolomics Plus service is based on a high-resolution LC-MS/MS platform, capable of conducting systematic metabolomics analyses across various sample types. The service has a wide range of applications, including:

      1. Disease Biomarker Discovery: By analyzing changes in metabolite levels under healthy and disease conditions, Untargeted Metabolomics Plus provides crucial clues for discovering biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

      2. Drug Development and Mechanism Research: Drugs often induce significant changes in metabolite levels. Untargeted Metabolomics Plus allows drug developers to precisely track these changes, offering valuable insights into the metabolic mechanisms and biological effects of pharmaceuticals.

      3. Nutritional and Environmental Metabolomics: Untargeted Metabolomics Plus is also applicable in the fields of nutritional metabolism and the study of environmental impacts on metabolism, revealing complex changes within metabolic networks.


      MtoZ Biolabs' Untargeted Metabolomics Plus analysis service leverages its advanced technical capabilities and robust database support to significantly propel the progress of metabolomics research. This service is particularly suited for comprehensive and in-depth investigations of systems with complex metabolic changes, enabling customers to acquire metabolomics data faster and more accurately, thus facilitating advancements in various research and clinical applications.

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