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      Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that are essential in small quantities for normal metabolic functions. There are 13 recognized vitamins, divided into fat-soluble (Vitamins A, D, E, & K) and water-soluble (Vitamins B & C) categories. Each vitamin has specific roles, such as antioxidants, co-enzymes, or precursors of enzyme cofactors.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we offer advanced metabolomics services for the analysis of vitamins using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry techniques. Our team of skilled scientists and technicians are experienced in delivering high-quality data and analysis of vitamins, which are essential micronutrients that play key roles in maintaining health and metabolism in organisms.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: Samples are freeze-dried under nitrogen for over 2 minutes before storing at -80°C to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


      2. Separation: The prepared samples are then injected into the LC system for separation.


      3. Detection: The separated vitamins are ionized and detected by the mass spectrometer. The mass-to-charge ratio of each ion is recorded to generate a mass spectrum.


      4. Data Analysis: The obtained data are then interpreted and analyzed using bioinformatics tools and databases.



      Figure 1. Workflow of Vitamins Analysis by HPLC-MS/MS


      Service Advantages

      • High-quality Data: With our advanced MS techniques, we deliver highly accurate and reliable data.
      • Expertise: Our team of experienced scientists and technicians are well-versed in the field of metabolomics and mass spectrometry.
      • Fast Turnaround Time: We value your time and ensure quick delivery of results.
      • Comprehensive Report: Our detailed report includes not only raw data but also interpretation and insights into your sample's vitamin profile.



      Our vitamin metabolomics service can be applied in various fields, including nutrition, pharmacology, plant science, and medical research, to study nutrient status, bioavailability, and metabolic pathways of vitamins.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Vitamin

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      For more information about our vitamin metabolomics services, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to being your trusted partner in metabolomics research.

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