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    What Is Monoclonal Antibody Sequencing?

      Overview of Single-Antibody Sequencing

      Single-antibody sequencing, as the name suggests, is a technique that uses a single antibody to sequence DNA. This method is based on the specificity of the antibody, which recognizes and binds to specific DNA sequences to accurately read the DNA.


      Working Principle of Single-Antibody Sequencing

      The basic principle of single-antibody sequencing is: select a single antibody with specificity, and mix it with the DNA sample to be tested. The antibody will bind to a specific location on the DNA sequence, and then a technology called fluorescence labeling is used to label the antibody. When the fluorescently labeled antibody binds to the DNA, the DNA sequence can be accurately read by detecting changes in the fluorescent signal. The specific steps are as follows:


      1. Select a Single Antibody with Specificity and Label It with Fluorescence

      2. Mix the Fluorescently Labeled Antibody with the DNA Sample to Be Tested

      3. The Antibody Will Bind to a Specific Location on the DNA

      4. The DNA Sequence Can Be Accurately Read by Detecting Changes in the Fluorescent Signal


      Service Advantages

      1. Efficienc

      Single-antibody sequencing can quickly read DNA sequences, greatly improving the efficiency of sequencing.


      2. Accuracy

      Since DNA sequencing is based on the specificity of the antibody, the accuracy of single-antibody sequencing technology is very high.


      3. Flexibility

      Different DNA sequences can be sequenced by choosing different single antibodies.


      Single-antibody sequencing is a new type of DNA sequencing technology. It realizes the efficient and accurate reading of DNA by using the specificity of antibodies. Although this technology is still under constant development and improvement, it has already shown great potential and prospects, and is expected to play a bigger role in future biological science research.

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