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    Amino Acid Analysis Service

      Amino acids are fundamental organic compounds with amino and carboxyl groups, serving as the building blocks of proteins and peptides. While approximately 20 amino acids are commonly known for protein synthesis, many more exist in nature. These compounds are essential for various biological processes, including protein synthesis, nitrogen balance, and metabolic regulation. Recent studies highlight their role in regulating glucose and lipid metabolism, maintaining homeostasis, and influencing gene expression, immune responses, and disease development.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers amino acids analysis service using GC/MS (Agilent 7890A/5975C) and LC/MS/MS (AB Sciex 5500), which has characteristics of high accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity. We guarantee accurate analysis of amino acid metabolites even in low abundance. With our optimized sample preparation methods, interference from high-abundance dominant metabolites can be greatly reduced, thus further increasing detecting sensitivity.


      Table 1Amino Acids and Derivatives Detected by MtoZ Biolabs


       Note*: The table above shows only a selection of the amino acids we can analyze. For additional amino acid testing services, please feel free to contact us.


      Analysis Workflow




      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Type and Volume


      For other sample types and amounts, please contact MtoZ Biolabs.


      2. Sample Transportation

      Calculate with 3-4 kg of dry ice evaporating per day, please use a sufficient amount of dry ice for transportation (it is recommended to use larger pieces of dry ice, as larger pieces evaporate more slowly), and seal with a foam box. Also, try to choose a faster mailing method to reduce the possibility of sample degradation during transportation.


      Related Services


      Targeted Metabolomics

      Untargeted Metabolomics



      Quantitative Proteomics







      Protein Analysis

      Protein Identification

      Protein Mass Measurement

      PTMs Identification

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