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    Antibody De Novo Sequencing Service

      In the field of biopharmaceuticals and antibody research, accurate sequencing of antibodies is crucial for understanding how they bind to antigens. At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide cutting-edge de novo antibody sequencing services tailored for structural analysis of monoclonal antibodies and humanization of therapeutic antibodies. Our unique approach, independent of existing sequence databases, employs sophisticated algorithms to analyze sequences, making it ideal for identifying variants and modifications that are otherwise unrecorded.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      We begin by purifying and digesting client-provided antibody samples, converting complex proteins into simpler peptides.


      2. LC-MS/MS Analysis

      Next, peptides are separated via LC and analyzed through MS/MS to determine their precise masses.


      3. Data Processing

      We use our custom-developed software and algorithms to process the mass spectrometry data and accurately reconstruct the complete antibody sequence.



      Guthals, A. et al. J. Proteome Res. 2017.

      Figure 1. De Novo Sequencing of Natural Human Antibodies


      Service Advantages

      High sensitivity: Utilizes high-resolution mass spectrometry Orbitrap Fusion Lumos.


      High sample coverage: Uses various complementary proteases to ensure 100% full sequence coverage of both light and heavy chains of the antibody.


      Strong compatibility: Can handle samples of varying complexity, including proteins with different chemical modifications or labels.


      Low sample requirement: Only 100ug of sample is needed for analysis.



      1. Antibody Drug Development

      Provides precise antibody sequence analysis and structural validation for antibody drug development.


      2. Diagnostic Reagent Development

      Supports the development of highly specific diagnostic reagents.


      3. Antibody Humanization

      Provides key sequence information for converting animal-derived antibodies into therapeutically usable human antibodies, reducing immunogenicity.


      4. Scientific Research

      Supports basic scientific research on the structure-function relationship of antibodies.


      MtoZ Biolabs is dedicated to delivering top-tier de novo antibody sequencing services globally. Our expert team and robust technology ensure that each project meets stringent quality standards. If you have specific requirements or are interested in our services, please reach out to us. We are eager to help you propel your scientific and developmental projects forward.


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