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    Antibody Epitope Mapping Analysis Service

      Antibody epitopes, also known as antigenic determinants, are the specific structures recognized and bound by an antibody. Accurate identification and analysis of antibody epitopes are crucial in the development of biopharmaceuticals and vaccine design. They not only help in understanding the mechanisms of pathogen infection but also optimize antibody design, enhancing therapeutic effects. Thus, high-precision antibody epitope mapping services are indispensable in advancing modern medical research, offering significant scientific and commercial value for new drug development and vaccine production.


      MtoZ Biolabs employs advanced mass spectrometry technology to offer epitope mapping services. These services enable researchers to accurately identify antibody binding sites on antigens and explore pathogen infection and antibody defense mechanisms thoroughly. With a wealth of experience in experimental design, our team offers strong scientific support for antibody and vaccine research.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      Based on client needs, antibodies and their corresponding antigens are prepared and purified.


      2. Antibody Immobilization

      Antibodies are immobilized on specific carriers to capture their interactions with antigens.


      3. Peptides Digestion

      Antibody-antigen complexes are treated with proteases to release peptides that include the epitopes.


      4. Peptide Analysis

      These peptides are then separated and analyzed using mass spectrometry to pinpoint the epitopes accurately.



      Ständer, S. et al. Anal. Chem. 2021.

      Figure 1. Analysis Workflow of Antibody Epitope Mapping


      Service Advantages

      Broad epitope type applicability: Includes linear epitopes, conformational epitopes, and discontinuous epitopes.


      Sample and target diversity: Applicable to various antibodies and antigens, including viral proteins and polyclonal antibodies.


      High sensitivity and low sample requirements: The platform can analyze extremely small samples, detecting even weak antibody-antigen interactions.


      Speed and precision: Mass spectrometry analysis provides quick and accurate results, more efficient than traditional biochemical methods.



      Antibody Research: Helps determine the best antibody candidates.


      Vaccine Design: Identify key antigenic epitopes in vaccines.


      Antigenicity Analysis: Evaluate the impact of epitope mutations on antibody recognition through epitope mutation analysis.


      B-cell Epitope Mapping: Map B-cell epitopes to aid in understanding immune responses.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Antibody Epitope Mapping

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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