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    Biopharmaceutical Amino Acid Analysis Service

      Amino acids are the basic units that make up proteins. Each amino acid molecule includes an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), and a side chain (R group), where different side chains determine the different properties of amino acids. In nature, there are 20 standard amino acids, which are linked by peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains, further folding and structuring into complex protein structures. Amino acid analysis is a technique used to determine the composition and content of amino acids in a sample, which is very important in fields such as studying the structure and function of proteins, food science, and clinical diagnosis. Amino acid composition analysis can determine the types and relative proportions of various amino acids in a protein or peptide sample. This analysis typically involves the hydrolysis of proteins or peptides, breaking them down into their constituent amino acids, and then using various chromatographic techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or ion exchange chromatography, to separate and quantify these amino acids. In the biopharmaceutical industry, amino acid composition analysis is an important means to ensure the consistency and purity of protein pharmaceutical products during production. It can be used to verify the correctness of protein sequences, and detect variations or errors that may occur during production.



      Piestansky, J. et al. BMC Chem. 2019.

      Figure 1. Scheme of Derivatization Procedure of Three Diferent Amino Acids—Glycine (a), Proline (b) and Lysine (c) with the Use of Acc


      Amino acid composition analysis, due to its ability to provide detailed chemical composition information of proteins, has important applications in fields such as biomedical research. As a reliable partner in biopharmaceutical research, MtoZ Biolabs uses advanced instruments and first-class experience to provide you with high-quality amino acid analysis services, and to more comprehensively characterize biopharmaceuticals, MtoZ Biolabs also offers the following analysis services, but not limited to:

      Amino acid sequence analysis.

      Amino acid composition analysis.

      Terminal amino acid sequence analysis.

      Protein concentration calculation and characterization.

      Determination of total amino acids.

      Determination of free amino acids.

      Identification of atypical amino acids in protein/peptide pharmaceuticals.

      Amino acid content analysis.


      Analysis Workflow

      Biopharmaceutical amino acid analysis is a multi-step technical process, typically used to determine the composition and content of amino acids in drugs. This process is crucial for ensuring the quality and efficacy of biopharmaceuticals. Below is an overview of a typical biopharmaceutical amino acid analysis process:


      1. Sample Preparation: First, proteins need to be extracted from biopharmaceuticals or the drug solution used directly. The purpose of sample preparation is to ensure sufficient and representative quality of the analyte for accurate analysis.


      2. Hydrolysis Step: Proteins or peptides are usually hydrolyzed under acidic or alkaline conditions to release the amino acids that make up the protein. Acidic hydrolysis (commonly using 6M hydrochloric acid) is the most common method, but it may destroy certain amino acids (such as tryptophan).


      3. Derivatization: After hydrolysis, amino acids often need to be derivatized to improve their detection sensitivity and selectivity in subsequent analyses. Common derivatization reagents include ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and phenylisothiocyanate (PITC).


      4. Separation Techniques: The derivatized amino acids are separated by chromatographic techniques, including liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). These techniques can effectively separate different amino acids for quantitative analysis.


      5. Detection: The separated amino acids are quantified by various detection methods such as UV/visible spectrophotometry, fluorescence detection, or mass spectrometry (MS). Each method has its advantages and limitations, and is usually chosen based on specific analysis needs.


      6. Data Analysis: The data obtained from detection needs to be processed and analyzed by software to calculate the content of each amino acid.



      1. Quality Control: Amino acid analysis is an indispensable part of quality control in biopharmaceutical products, used to confirm the amino acid composition and content of products, ensuring their quality consistency and stability.

      2. Biopharmaceutical R&D: In the development process of biopharmaceuticals, amino acid analysis helps to optimize expression systems and improve the expression level and purity of products.

      3. Regulatory Submissions: To meet regulatory submission requirements, comprehensive amino acid analysis data is provided to support new drug applications.


      This information provides you with a comprehensive perspective on the implementation and utilization of biopharmaceutical amino acid analysis services. Free project evaluation, welcome to learn more details! Our technical specialists are available to provide a free business assessment.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Biopharmaceutical Amino Acid Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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