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    Byonic Software Analysis Service

      In biopharmaceutical and bioscience research, proteomics has emerged as an essential tool, enabling researchers to comprehensively understand protein functions, structures, and interactions. MtoZ Biolabs employs the advanced Byonic software, delivering premier protein identification and analysis services to the scientific community.


      Byonic software is a leading mass spectrometry data analysis tool, specifically designed to enhance the precision of peptide and protein identification in MS/MS experiments. The software employs sophisticated algorithms capable of rapidly identifying thousands of proteins and peptides in complex biological samples. Byonic supports a wide range of mass spectrometry data types, such as CID, TOF-TOF, QTOF HCD, and is suitable for various experimental apparatuses and conditions.



      Go, E. P. et al. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2021.

      Figure 1. Glycoproteomics Analysis Using Byonic

      Service Advantages

      Comprehensive Search Strategy: Performs both top-down and bottom-up analysis, ensuring thorough protein coverage.


      Post-Translational Modification (PTM) Analysis: Detects PTMs with high sensitivity and supports multiple modifications, such as phosphorylation and glycosylation.


      Wildcard Functionality: Identifies uncharted protein modifications, paving the way for novel biomarker discovery.


      User-Friendly Interface: The interface facilitates easy setup of experiment parameters and rapid result interpretation.



      1. Drug Development

      Crucial in ADC development for pinpointing drug-antibody binding sites, enhancing drug design and efficacy.


      2. Disease Biomarker Discovery

      Through efficient PTM analysis, it aids in discovering protein modifications related to specific diseases, promoting biomarker research.


      3. Basic Biological Research

      Precisely delineates protein interaction networks and functional pathways.


      4. Quality Control

      Essential for analyzing host cell proteins (HCP) in drug production, ensuring product purity and safety.


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are more than just a service provider; we are your committed partner in proteomics research. Our expert team collaborates closely with you to maximize the capabilities of Byonic software, propelling your projects to groundbreaking achievements. Contact us for more information or to explore partnership opportunities.

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