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    Chemical Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Analysis Service

      Chemical cross-linking coupled with mass spectrometry (CXMS) is an advanced bioanalytical technique that links proximal proteins or their complexes using chemical cross-linkers, followed by mass spectrometric analysis of the linkage sites to provide structural insights into protein assemblies. This method is pivotal for elucidating the 3D structural states and interaction domains of proteins, essential for understanding their functional dynamics and regulatory mechanisms.


      MtoZ Biolabs delivers comprehensive CXMS services from sample preparation through to data analysis. We leverage precise mass spectrometry and innovative cross-linking approaches to capture and analyze both stable and transient protein interactions, offering extensive interaction networks and detailed interface mapping. Our offerings encompass standard CXMS analyses and tailored experimental designs to fulfill the unique demands of drug development and biological research.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      Select suitable cross-linkers based on experimental requirements.


      2. Cross-linking Reaction

      Performed under controlled conditions to ensure effective linkage between proteins.


      3. Enzymatic Digestion

      Digest the cross-linked complexes to produce cross-linked peptides.


      4. LC-MS/MS

      Identify and separate cross-linked peptides to accurately locate linkage sites.


      5. Data Analysis

      Employ specialized software for LC-MS/MS data interpretation, generating detailed cross-linking maps.


      O'Reilly, F. J. et al. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 2018.

      Figure 1. Analysis workflow of CXMS 

      Service Advantages

      High Resolution: CXMS can precisely identifies intricate protein interactions, offering structural information at the molecular level.


      Broad Applicability: Applicable to a diverse range of protein complexes, including those with significant hydrophobicity or size variations.


      User-Friendliness: Unlike X-ray crystallography, CXMS does not require protein crystallization, facilitating studies on proteins that are difficult to crystallize.


      Structural Analysis of Protein Complexes: Unravel the architecture of complex biomolecular assemblies.


      Signal Transduction Research: Define interactions within cellular signaling pathways.


      Drug Development: Assess structural conformations of drug targets and their interactions with pharmaceutical candidates.


      Disease Mechanism Exploration: Investigate the implications of protein cross-linking in disease pathology.


      As a dependable ally in the biopharmaceutical sector, MtoZ Biolabs pledges to deliver high-quality CXMS analyses complete with comprehensive reports and strategic insights to effectively address research and technical hurdles. We invite you to contact us to explore how we can support your scientific endeavors.

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