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    Co-Immunoprecipitation Protein Interaction Analysis Service

      Immunoprecipitation (IP) technology is a method widely used in antigen purification and detection, which separates specific proteins from a solution by utilizing antibodies that can bind to the proteins. The technique involves removing antibody-protein complexes from the solution by adding insoluble forms of antibodies (such as those conjugated with agarose beads or the recently popularized magnetic beads coupled with Protein A/G). IP utilizes antigen-specific antibodies to isolate target antigens from complex antigen solutions, followed by analysis of the quantity and size of antibody-reactive antigens present in the complex protein mixture using SDS-PAGE. IP enables researchers to measure the molecular weight and quantity of a given protein in protein mixtures, identify protein activation states and post-translational modifications, and capture protein-binding partners. IP assays can detect interactions between target proteins and other proteins or nucleic acids, of which co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) is commonly used for the detection of target proteins. 


      Co-IP is a powerful technique widely employed in discovering and detecting protein-protein interactions. The principle of Co-IP involves pulling down target proteins using antigen-antibody interactions to infer the proteins interacting with the target. Specifically, the antibody of the target protein is immobilized on affinity resin, exposed to a designed protein mixture or cell lysate, and proteins or protein complexes that strongly interact with the target protein are co-precipitated. The identities and quantities of these interacting proteins can be identified through subsequent mass spectrometry-based interaction proteomics analysis methods.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Preparation of Protein Mixtures, Cell lysates, or Tissue Extracts

      2. Incubation of Protein Mixtures, Cell lysates, or Tissue Extracts with Antibody-bound Affinity Beads

      3. Removal of Unbound Proteins through Multiple Washing Steps

      4. Detection of Interacting Proteins through SDS-PAGE, WB, or MS Analysis


      Service Advantages

      1. Target Proteins are Pulled Down in Their Native States, Reducing the Impact of Artificial Factors

      2. Complete Protein Complexes can be Pulled Down, which is Highly Useful for Characterizing Proteins and their Functional Pathways

      3. Highly Compatible with Various Sample Preparation and Protein Identification Methods

      4. Simple and Clear Operation


      MtoZ Biolabs provides high-quality Co-IP analysis services to customers. Our optimized protocols for sample protein extraction, expression, and purification ensure the acquisition of high-quality bait and prey proteins. Additionally, we offer customized methods for characterizing potential interacting proteins.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      1. Experimental Design - Gene Synthesis - Protein Expression and Purification - Antibody Culture and Fixation - Preparation of Cell Lysates

      2. Co-IP Immunoprecipitation for Protein Interaction Analysis

      3. Interaction Protein MS Identification - Data Analysis - Issuance of Reports - Free Consultation

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