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    O-Glycosylation Site Analysis Service

      O-Glycosylation is a prevalent post-translational modification in cell biology, involving the attachment of sugar moieties to the amino acid residues serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) of proteins via glycosidic bonds. This modification profoundly influences the structure, stability, distribution, and molecular interactions of proteins. O-glycosylation analysis is pivotal in biomedical research and development, as it helps elucidate protein functions and mechanisms, particularly within disease models. Misregulated O-glycosylation is linked to various diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and immunodeficiencies, making its analysis critical for identifying disease biomarkers and devising new therapeutic strategies. Through this analysis, detailed insights into the types, structures, locations, and diversity of glycosylation sites on proteins are obtained, shedding light on protein interactions and their functional implications.


      Analysis Workflow

      The primary technologies for O-glycosylation site analysis include mass spectrometry (MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These methodologies offer comprehensive details on the structural aspects of glycosylated sites and their protein associations. Mass spectrometry is especially effective for determining the masses and compositions of glycan structures, while HPLC excels in assessing glycan heterogeneity and purity. The fundamental steps of O-glycosylation analysis encompass protein extraction and purification, release of glycans, optional glycan labeling, followed by their characterization using mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography.



      Bai, X. et al. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2015.

      Figure 1. The Workflow of O-glycosylation-site Analysis

      1. Sample Preparation

      Extracting and purifying proteins by appropriate methods to ensure analytical precision.


      2. Protein Digestion

      Protein samples are subjected to enzymatic digestion with specific proteases, such as trypsin, to cleave proteins into smaller peptide fragments.


      3. Enrichment of O-Glycosylated Peptides

      Affinity chromatography is used to selectively enrich peptides that are O-glycosylated, enhancing both the sensitivity and specificity of subsequent detection.


      4. Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      Performing mass spectrometry on the enriched peptides by techniques like liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).


      5. Data Analysis and Validation

      Analyzing mass spectrometry data with specialized bioinformatics tools to pinpoint glycosylation sites and validating the findings by standards or replicative experiments to confirm the accuracy and reproducibility of the results.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity and Specificity

      Our advanced mass spectrometry techniques can detect low-abundance glycosylated peptides efficiently, ensuring accurate and sensitive results.


      2. Comprehensive Analysis

      Our service offers detailed analysis of protein glycosylation, covering specific sites, glycan structure diversity, and modification heterogeneity.


      3. Bioinformatics Support

      We use powerful bioinformatics tools to process extensive data, providing clear interpretations of results and aiding clients in understanding complex biological implications quickly.


      4. Customized Services

      We offer tailored services available to meet diverse research needs, including analyses specific to particular proteins or diseases.


      5. Enhanced Research Efficiency

      Our service can ccelerates the research and drug development process by eliminating the need to establish and optimize experimental protocols, facilitating rapid acquisition of results.


      Sample Submission Requirements



      For more sample details, please consult our technical team.



      1. Biopharmaceutical Development

      O-glycosylation analysis is crucial in biopharmaceutical development for ensuring drug stability and bioactivity, enhancing drug design.


      2. Disease Diagnostic Research

      Associations between O-glycosylation alterations and diseases like cancer and autoimmune disorders highlight its potential in diagnostics and disease prediction.


      3. Basic Biological Research

      Insights into the role of glycosylation in cell signaling, protein folding, and stability enrich fundamental biological research.


      4. Biomarker Discovery

      Variations in glycosylation sites may serve as early indicators of disease progression, supporting biomarker discovery for effective treatment monitoring.


      5. Quality Control

      Consistent monitoring of glycosylation sites during biopharmaceutical production ensures compliance with quality standards and regulatory requirements.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on O-Glycosylation Site Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      MtoZ Biolabs provides O-Glycosylation Site Analysis Service that significantly support medical research, disease diagnostics, and the development of therapeutic strategies, advancing the understanding of protein functions and their roles in disease. Free project evaluation is available—learn more from our technical specialists who are ready to provide a complimentary business assessment.

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