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    Peptidomic Analysis Service

      Peptidomics is a scientific discipline dedicated to studying peptides within organisms, focusing on their composition, structure, functions, and roles in biological processes. It primarily investigates peptides, molecules formed by short chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds. These peptides can be naturally occurring or synthetically produced through biotechnological means. Peptides play pivotal roles in numerous biological processes, including serving as hormones and neurotransmitters, participating in immune responses, and acting as precursors or regulatory factors for various bioactive molecules. Peptidomics facilitates the identification of disease-specific biomarkers, potentially enabling early diagnosis and targeted therapies. By exploring the activities and functions of peptides, scientists can design and synthesize novel drugs to treat diverse diseases. Understanding the roles and interactions of peptides within cells and tissues deepens our comprehension of complex physiological and pathological processes in organisms.


      Peptidomics is a branch of proteomics. MtoZ Biolabs, with extensive experience in protein sequencing and proteomics, has established a peptidomics analysis platform that integrates mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. This platform comprehensively analyzes peptides through de novo sequencing and tandem mass spectrometry database searching.



      Foreman, RE. et al. J Proteome Res. 2021.

      Figure 1. The Workflow of peptidomic Analysis


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      (1) Protein Extraction: Proteins are extracted from various biological samples, often involving the use of buffers to disrupt cellular structures and release proteins.


      (2) Protein Purification: Non-protein components are removed through centrifugation, filtration, and chromatographic techniques to enhance protein purity.


      (3) Protein Concentration: Samples are concentrated using equipment or precipitation methods to reduce volume and increase protein concentration.


      2. Protein Digestion

      Enzymatic Digestion: Extracted proteins are treated with specific enzymes (typically trypsin) to cleave them into smaller peptides. This step is crucial for peptidomics, determining the resolution and depth of subsequent analysis.


      3. Peptide Separation

      Liquid Chromatography: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and other techniques separate peptides based on hydrophilicity or other chemical properties, reducing interference among complex sample components.


      4. Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      (1) Mass Spectrometry: Separated peptide samples are analyzed in a mass spectrometer, which measures the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of peptides, generating mass spectra.


      (2) Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS): Selected peptide ions undergo further fragmentation analysis to reveal their sequence information.


      5. Data Processing & Bioinformatics Analysis

      (1) Peptide Identification: Software algorithms match experimental mass spectrometry data with known protein databases to identify peptides in samples.


      (2) Quantitative Analysis: For quantitative peptidomics, the relative or absolute abundance of peptides under different conditions is assessed.


      (3) Post-processing Analysis: Further analysis may include examining post-translational modifications, predicting functions, and correlating peptides with known biological pathways.


      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensive Solution: We offer a one-stop service, encompassing deep extraction and purification of endogenous peptides, precise peptide identification, and subsequent complex data interpretation.


      2. Superior Accuracy: Leveraging advanced mass spectrometry (MS) technology, we ensure error-free peptide sequence recognition for precise results.


      3. High-efficiency Purification: Our efficient strategies exclude over 99% of non-target proteins during sample processing, significantly enhancing the enrichment efficiency of target peptides.


      4. Comprehensive Service Capabilities: We provide comprehensive computational proteomics analysis and delve into biological information, presenting detailed and multidimensional data interpretations to support every step of scientific exploration.


      Special Note: For personalized or specific research needs, we offer customized analysis services. Please contact us anytime to discuss and tailor a research plan exclusive to your requirements.



      1. Drug Discovery and Development: Peptidomics analysis aids in screening and validating potential drug candidate peptides, facilitating optimized drug design and functionality.


      2. Biomarker Discovery: By analyzing peptide changes under specific disease conditions, biomarkers associated with diseases can be discovered, enabling early diagnosis and treatment monitoring.


      3. Disease Mechanism Research: Studying peptide functions and expression patterns in disease states reveals molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.


      4. Immunology Research: Peptidomics contributes to understanding the roles of peptides in immune responses, including antigen presentation and T-cell recognition.


      Sample Submission

      Animal or Clinical Samples

      Serum, Blood, Plasma, Saliva

      Cerebrospinal Fluid, Urine

      Cells and Cell Culture Supernatants

      Customized Sample Types



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Peptidomic Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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