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    PhIP-Seq Antibody Analysis Service

      Phage Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (PhIP-Seq) is a revolutionary approach that integrates oligonucleotide-encoded peptide pools with phage display libraries and high-throughput DNA sequencing. This technique allows for an in-depth analysis of antibody-peptide binding affinities across a standardized "peptidome," representing the entire protein sequence library. Not only does it measure the binding strength of specific peptides to antibodies, but it also facilitates comparisons across a spectrum of peptides, including control samples without antibodies.



      Bourgonje, A. R. et al. Immunity. 2023.

      Figure1. Phage-Display Immunoprecipitation Sequencing of the Antibody Epitope Repertoire


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, our PhIP-Seq service utilizes the latest in phage display and DNA sequencing technologies to deliver comprehensive insights into antibody diversity and specificity. This service is crucial for discovering disease markers, advancing vaccine development, and enhancing personalized medicine strategies. Our use of oligonucleotide-encoded peptide pools ensures broad coverage of the protein library, improving the detection of antibody binding sites and enhancing the consistency and reproducibility of our analyses.



       Our PhIP-Seq platform is pivotal in:

      1. Clinical Research: Identifying new biomarkers by analyzing antibodies in both patients and healthy subjects.

      2. Vaccine Development: Evaluating vaccine efficacy through detailed pre- and post-vaccination antibody analyses.

      3. Antibody Drug Development: Optimizing therapeutic antibodies for specific disease targets.


      Service Advantages

      PhIP-Seq outperforms traditional antibody assays with:

      1. It analyses a broad spectrum of proteins and antigens without relying on conventional protein expression systems.

      2. It offers a significant cost reduction per sample compared to traditional protein microarrays.

      3. The peptides used are of higher quality and longer, ensuring detailed and comprehensive analyses.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      For optimal results with our PhIP-Seq service, we require:

      1. Types of Samples

      We accept various biological fluids, including serum, plasma, urine, and more.

      2. Sample Volume

      We recommend providing at least 50 microliters per sample to ensure sufficient DNA quantity for high-throughput sequencing

      3. Storage and Transport

      Samples should be frozen at -80°C and shipped on dry ice to maintain integrity.

      4. Sample Quality

      Please ensure that the samples are virus-free, sterile, and have not undergone any protein or chemical treatments to avoid affecting the accuracy of the experimental results.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers a seamless and precise PhIP-Seq antibody analysis experience, from sample handling to data analysis. Our technology's reliability, precision, and adaptability make us an ideal partner for your antibody analysis needs. Contact us to discover how we can assist in advancing your research or clinical projects with our innovative services.

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