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    Protein De Novo Sequencing and Mutation Analysis Services

      Proteins are fundamental to biological functions and are indispensable in biopharmaceutical applications, including the development of diagnostic agents, drug discovery, and assay kit innovation. Traditional mass spectrometry techniques like MALDI-TOF and nanoLC-MS/MS, while effective for identifying known proteins, often struggle with novel, non-database, or mutated proteins. To overcome these limitations, we offer a more robust and comprehensive approach to ensure accurate and complete protein sequence identification.



      Figure1. De Novo Protein Sequencing and Mutation Analysis Workflow


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we leverage cutting-edge mass spectrometry and sophisticated bioinformatics to offer pioneering de novo sequencing and mutation analysis services. These services are designed to deliver meticulous protein sequence analyses for both research and commercial projects. Our facilities include state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instruments and analysis platforms, which facilitate high-coverage and precise protein sequence determinations. Our services include:

      1. Sequence and Mutation Analysis of Unknown Proteins or Peptides 

      We perform detailed analyses of new or previously undocumented proteins and their variants.

      2. Sequence Mutation Aanalysis Service of Proteins Expressed in Stable Cell Lines 

      We tailor mutation analyses for proteins expressed in designated cell lines.

      3. Unknown Protein Sequence Analysis

      Using a combination of mass spectrometry and advanced bioinformatics, we accurately deduce complete sequences for unrecorded proteins.

      4. Protein Mutation Analysis

      We meticulously identify mutations within proteins from stable cell lines, crucial for developing therapeutic proteins and bioengineering projects.


      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensive Coverage: We achieve nearly 100% protein sequence coverage, ensuring that no critical data is missed.

      2. Precision Data Processing: Our robust algorithms guarantee highly precise and dependable analysis results.

      3. Tailored Solutions: We customize our protein analysis services to meet the unique needs of various samples and applications.



      1. Discovery of Novel Proteins: We identify sequences of previously unknown proteins or peptides, aiding in new drug and diagnostic developments.

      2. Engineering and Optimization: We provide precise sequence determinations for engineered proteins and enzymes, supporting product refinement and optimization.

      3. Analysis of Stable Cell Line Expressions: We conduct accurate sequencing for proteins produced in stable cell lines, which is essential for cell line engineering and biopharmaceutical research.


      MtoZ Biolabs is dedicated to advancing protein analysis through superior technology and expert services. We offer reliable support for both the investigation of known proteins and the discovery of novel sequences. Contact us to explore how our innovative approaches can benefit your research or commercial projects.

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