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    Protein Disulfide Bond Analysis Service

      Disulfide bonds are essential post-translational modifications in proteins, consisting of covalent bonds between sulfur atoms from two cysteine residues. These bonds are crucial for protein folding, stability, and function. In biopharmaceuticals, precise disulfide bond characterization is vital for drug development and biological activity evaluations, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of biotherapeutics.


      Advancements in technology have made mass spectrometry, particularly high-resolution and sensitive liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), the most effective tool for comprehensive disulfide bond analyses.



      Lu, S. et al. Nat Methods. 2015.

      Figure1. Disulfide Bond Identification Research Route


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we leverage extensive mass spectrometry expertise and state-of-the-art platforms to offer in-depth disulfide bond analysis services, including:

      1. Disulfide Bond Mapping: Accurately determining disulfide bond locations in unknown proteins.

      2. Protein Structure Confirmation: Ensuring the presence and correct folding of disulfide bonds in proteins, crucial for their intended biological functions.

      3. Mismatch Detection: Identifying and validating any disulfide bond mismatches within proteins.

      4. Folding Analysis: Predicting and confirming the accuracy of protein folding.

      5. Detailed Mapping: Providing comprehensive disulfide bond maps to facilitate advanced research.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Pre-Treatment

      We utilize sophisticated alkylation methods (with reagents like IAM, IAA, or NEM) to prevent artificial disulfide bonds during processing, preserving the protein's original state.

      2. Protein Digestion

      Efficient digestion using specific enzymes (e.g., trypsin, pepsin, Glu-C) achieves extensive peptide coverage.

      3. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

      This technique accurately identifies all peptides and their modifications, including disulfide bonds.

      4. Bioinformatics Analysis

      Advanced software tools are used to analyze detected bonds, offering detailed insights.


      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensive Analysis: Compliant with ICH Q6B guidelines, our services offer thorough disulfide bond and free thiol analysis on both individual and proteomic scales.

      2. High Throughput and Precision: We ensure precise, high-throughput results using cutting-edge technology.

      3. Protein Integrity: Optimized sample handling techniques maintain the protein's natural conformation, crucial for accurate analysis.


      MtoZ Biolabs is your one-stop shop for disulfide bond analysis, supporting a broad spectrum of research and development needs in the biopharmaceutical sector. For a deeper understanding of protein structure and function, reach out for personalized consultation and services. We aspire to be your trusted technical partner.

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