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    Protein Identification Analysis Service

      The identification and quantification of proteins expressed by an entire organism under certain conditions constitute the primary focus of high-throughput proteomics. High-throughput (HTP) proteomics aims to investigate the dynamically changing proteins expressed by an entire organism, specific tissues, or cellular compartments under defined conditions. Consequently, the two primary objectives of proteomics research are to identify proteins from complex mixtures extracted from cells and to quantitatively determine their expression levels. Mass spectrometry (MS) has emerged as one of the key tools for achieving these goals, facilitating protein identification through tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) data and quantifying protein expression via quantitative mass spectrometry methods.



      Kolker, E. et al. Trends Microbiol. 2006.

      Figure 1. The Workflow of Protein Identification


      Service at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs, with years of experience in advanced experimental equipment, offers the following distinctive protein identification services to aid your scientific research endeavors:

      Protein Mass Spectrometry Identification Service

      Comprehensive Protein Spectrum Analysis Service

      Protein Structure Identification Service


      Service Advantages

      1. Each experiment can identify 500-1000 proteins, reliably detecting and estimating the relative expression of high- and medium-abundance proteins (differentially expressed proteins under various conditions) and measuring the absolute expression of individual proteins in complex mixtures (quantification).


      2. Our sample separation can reduce the complexity of the mixture of organelles, protein complexes, entire proteins, or peptides.


      3. Peptide separation and purification in our service are achieved using two-dimensional peptide separation or multidimensional peptide identification technology (MudPIT) with strong cation exchange and reverse-phase separation, enhancing chromatographic peak capacity and protein identification.


      4. Our more sensitive methods for distinguishing charge states reduces redundant searches by up to 90% with minimal information loss.



      ● Correlating gene ontology terms, illustrating cellular components, molecular functions, and biological processes.

      ● Understanding post-translational modifications responsible for regulating different cellular pathways and leading to the formation of protein isoform entries in databases.

      ● Protein-Protein Interactions: Inferring interacting partners of proteins, which subsequently regulate various biological processes.

      ● Pathway Analysis: Exploring a complete set of chemical reactions and concerned proteins involved in a specific biological process.

      ● Phylogenetic Analysis: Investigating protein isoforms that differ based on modified sites or due to single or multiple nucleotide polymorphisms.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Protein Identification

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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