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    Protein Primary Structure Analysis Service

      Proteins, among the most complex and diverse biomolecules, have their primary structures serving as the foundation for their higher structural and functional characteristics. These structures, formed by amino acids—the basic units of life—linked through peptide bonds, determine proteins' three-dimensional configurations and profoundly influence their interactions with ligands, enzymatic activities, and roles in cellular signaling. Thus, a detailed analysis of protein primary structures is crucial for comprehending life phenomena, drug development, biotechnological optimizations, and disease diagnostics and treatments.


      MtoZ Biolabs employs an LC-MS/MS analytical platform integrated with bioinformatics to offer protein primary structure analysis services. This platform enables the precise determination of amino acid sequences and modification sites, including critical post-translational modifications like phosphorylation, glycosylation, and ubiquitination, thereby accurately characterizing the primary structures of target proteins.


      Figure 1. Protein Primary Structure


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation and Preprocessing

      Receive and prepare various samples, such as tissues, blood, urine, and other biological samples.


      2. Protein Digestion

      Treat proteins with specific enzymes to break them down into peptides easier to analyze.


      3. Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      Identify and quantify various PTMs accurately using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).


      4. Data Analysis and Reporting

      Use advanced bioinformatics tools to analyze data, offering detailed reports on amino acid sequences and modifications.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Molecular Weight Determination

      Protein Amino Acid Composition Analysis

      Protein N-Terminal Sequencing

      Protein C-Terminal Sequencing

      Disulfide Bond Analysis


      Service Advantages

      • High Precision: Use advanced mass spectrometry technology to ensure accurate identification of amino acid sequences and modification sites.
      • High Coverage: Use six types of proteases (Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Asp-N, GluC-C, Lys-C, and Lys-N) to ensure complete coverage of protein sequences.
      • Broad Applicability: Support analysis of protein samples from various sources (such as cells, tissues, bodily fluids, etc.) and with complex modifications.
      • Rapid Response: Efficient experimental procedures and quick data processing shorten customer waiting times.



      New Drug Development: Analyze the structure of drug target proteins to guide drug design and optimization.


      Disease Mechanism Research: Investigate the abnormal structures and functional changes of disease-related proteins to provide theoretical bases for disease diagnosis and treatment.


      Agricultural Biotechnology: Analyze the structure of proteins related to crop resistance and high yield to promote genetic improvement of crops.


      Biotechnological Process Optimization: Optimize the production processes of enzymes, antibodies, and other bioproducts to improve product quality and yield.


      Basic Scientific Research: Reveal the relationship between protein structure and function, advancing the fundamental theories of life sciences.


      Sample Results

      Characterization of Protein Primary Structure Using Mass Spectrometry



      Yang, X. Y. et al. Anal. Chem.2021.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Protein Primary Structure

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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