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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Workflow of Quantitative Tyrosine Phosphoproteomics Analysis

      Protein phosphorylation is a critical modification in cellular signaling, metabolic regulation, and other biological processes. Tyrosine phosphorylation, in particular, plays a significant role in various biological contexts, including cell growth, differentiation, and cancer. Quantitative tyrosine phosphorylation proteomics is a powerful technique for comprehensively studying the levels and dynamics of tyrosine phosphorylation.

    • • 4D DIA Proteomics: Comprehensive Overview of Protein Quantification and Differential Analysis

      Introduction Proteomics is the scientific field that studies the composition, structure, and function of all proteins in an organism. With the continuous development of technology, quantitative and differential analysis of proteomics has become an important research direction in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

    • • 4D-DIA Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics: the Key Technology in Proteomics

      Proteomics is the discipline that studies the composition, structure, function, and interactions of all proteins in an organism. In recent years, with advancements in technology and continuous innovation in methods, the field of proteomics has made significant progress. Among them, 4D-DIA non-targeted quantitative proteomics, as a key technology, has been widely applied in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

    • • Best Practice Sharing: How to Conduct Anti-Drug Antibody Testing

      Anti-Drug Antibody (Ada) refers to antibodies produced by the human immune system in response to exogenous drugs, such as biopharmaceuticals. These antibodies may impact the efficacy and safety of the drugs, making it crucial to detect and monitor the presence of Anti-Drug Antibodies (Ada).

    • • Unveiling Circular Dichroism Data Processing: Analysis of Techniques and Diversity

      Circular dichroism spectroscopy is an important analytical technique widely used in the field of biopharmaceuticals. It provides valuable information about molecular structure, conformation, and interactions. However, processing and analysis of circular dichroism spectroscopy data is not an easy task.

    • • Applications of Circular Dichroism: Peptide Mapping Workflow Reveals Diversity

      Introduction Peptide mapping analysis is an important technique in the field of biopharmaceutical research, helping scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the structure and function of proteins and their constituent amino acid sequences. Circular dichroism spectroscopy, as a powerful analytical tool, can provide valuable information about the conformation of biomolecules.

    • • New Techniques for Peptide Drug Detection: Exploring the Peptide Mapping Workflow

      Peptide drugs are a class of biopharmaceuticals with broad applications. Their unique structure and function make them powerful tools for treating various diseases. However, the complexity and diversity of peptide drugs present challenges in their detection and analysis. To better understand and apply peptide drugs, scientists are constantly exploring new detection techniques.

    • • Decoding Proteomics: Sequencing, Co-IP, and Mass Spectrometry

      Proteomics is a discipline that studies the types, quantities, functions, and interactions of proteins within organisms. In proteomics, sequencing, Co-IP, and mass spectrometry are three important technical approaches. Through these techniques, scientists can gain in-depth understanding of protein behavior in cells and thereby uncover the regulatory mechanisms of organisms.

    • • Exploring Host DNA Residual Detection: Effective Sample Analysis Techniques

      Host DNA residual detection is an important quality control technique in the field of biopharmaceuticals. With the widespread use of biopharmaceuticals, the issue of host DNA residuals has gained increasing attention.

    • • Diversity of Polysaccharide Composition: CD Measurement Method Analysis

      Polysaccharides are an important class of biomacromolecules that are widely present in organisms, such as cell walls, cell membranes, cartilage, bones, muscles, skin, blood vessels, and eyeballs. The structure and composition of polysaccharides have a significant impact on their biological functions. Therefore, the analysis and characterization of polysaccharides are of great significance for a deeper understanding of their biological functions.

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