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    Single Molecule Fluorescence Sequencing Service

      In the realm of biotechnology, single molecule fluorescence sequencing (SMFS) is increasingly recognized as a pivotal tool for proteomic studies. This method integrates traditional Edman degradation with advanced fluorescence detection, enabling the detailed analysis of peptide sequences through specific amino acid labeling and subsequent fluorescence intensity variation.


      As a rapidly growing protein sequencing service provider, MtoZ Biolabs focuses on developing innovative methods for protein sequencing. Our newly introduced SMFS utilizes high-sensitivity fluorescent labeling and modern image analysis technology, providing another revolutionary tool for scientific research and clinical protein analysis.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Protein Digestion

      Target proteins are enzymatically cleaved into numerous peptides using specific proteases.


      2. Fluorescence Labeling

      Fluorescent groups, typically N-terminal specific binders, are selectively attached to certain amino acids, preparing them for detection.


      3. Sequential Edman Degradation

      This step involves iterative removal of N-terminal amino acids, with concurrent fluorescence monitoring to pinpoint individual peptides.


      4. Imaging and Analysis

      Advanced algorithms analyze the fluorescence-marked sequences, determining partial sequences of amino acids.


      5. Sequence Validation

      The derived sequences are matched against established protein databases to accurately identify the protein's composition.


      Service Advantages

      High sensitivity: Capable of detecting and analyzing protein sequences at the single-molecule level.


      Strong compatibility: Independent of the protein's N-terminal accessibility, allowing analysis of proteins with modified or blocked N-termini.


      Quick operation: Direct sequencing in complex biological samples without the need for purification.


      Real-time dynamic monitoring: Capable of monitoring the real-time dynamics of proteins.



      1. Microbial sample analysis

      Suitable for protein sequence analysis of micro or precious biological samples, allowing high-quality data acquisition from minimal samples, especially suitable for clinical biological samples.


      2. Protein dynamic structure research

      Facilitates detailed studies of protein folding and other dynamics, crucial for elucidating protein function.


      3. In situ protein functional analysis

      Directly assesses protein functionalities within live cells or complex systems.


      4. Protein-protein and other molecular interactions

      Measures interactions between proteins and other molecules in real-time, supporting drug discovery and molecular biology research.

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