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    Top-Down Protein Sequencing Service

      Top-down protein sequencing is an advanced mass spectrometry technique used for the direct analysis and identification of intact protein molecules. Compared with the traditional bottom-up protein sequencing method, top-down protein sequencing provides more comprehensive and accurate structural information of proteins, making it significant for studying post-translational modifications, polymorphisms, and isomers. The essence of top-down protein sequencing lies in the mass spectrometry analysis of intact proteins without prior digestion. This approach utilizes high-resolution mass spectrometry instruments to resolve detailed information such as molecular weight, primary structure, and post-translational modifications.



      Konstantinell, Aelita. 2021.

      Figure 1. The Workflow of Top-down and Bottom-up Protein Sequencing


      MtoZ Biolabs offers Top-down protein sequencing service, delivering high-quality data, offering deep insights into protein sequence to advancing its research and clinical applications. We also provide bottom-up protein sequencing service to meet diverse needs of customers. Free project evaluation, welcome to learn more details! Our technical specialists are available to provide a free business assessment.



      Figure 1. The Comparision of Top-down and Bottom-up Protein Sequencing



      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      Extraction and purification of the target protein to ensure sample integrity and purity.


      2. Mass Spectrometry Analysis

      High-resolution mass spectrometry instruments (e.g., FT-ICR MS, Orbitrap MS) are employed to directly analyze intact proteins, obtaining molecular weight and fragment information.


      3. Data Interpretation

      Specialized software is used to interpret the mass spectrometry data, constructing the primary structure map of the protein and identifying post-translational modifications.


      4. Result Verification

      Bioinformatics tools and database comparisons are used to confirm the protein sequence and modification information.


      Service Advantages

      1. High Resolution

      We utilize the latest advancements in mass spectrometry technology to provide high-resolution and high-accuracy data.


      2. Eliminates the Digestion Step

      The sample preparation avoids errors and sample loss that may occur during the digestion process.


      3. Extensive Post-translational Modification Analysis

      We offer a comprehensive detection of protein modifications, providing in-depth structural and functional information.


      4. Fast and Efficient

      We shorten the experimental cycle to a few weeks.



      1. Proteomics Research

      Top-down protein sequencing can be used for protein identification, post-translational modification analysis, and isomer research.


      2. Biopharmaceuticals

      It is applied in drug target identification, drug mechanism research, and quality control of biopharmaceuticals.


      3. Disease Research

      It helps to reveal disease-related protein modifications and functional changes, offering new insights for disease diagnosis and treatment.


      4. Synthetic Biology

      It is used for structure confirmation and functional verification of artificially synthesized proteins.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on protein sequencing

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data

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