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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Multiple Sequence Protein Homology Comparison Analysis

      Multiple sequence protein homology comparison analysis is a method used to compare the similarity and homology among multiple protein sequences. This analysis is commonly used for studying protein families, evolutionary relationships, and functional predictions.

    • • Protein Primary Structure Determination Methods

      Protein molecules are biomacromolecules formed by the connection of many amino acids through peptide bonds. Proteins with physiological functions in the body have an ordered structure. Each protein has a specific amino acid composition percentage, amino acid sequence, and specific arrangement of peptide chains in space. Therefore, the protein structure composed of amino acid sequences and spatial arrangement of peptide chains is the structural basis for the unique physiological functions of each protein.

    • • Proteomics Label Free, TMT, and iTRAQ

      Proteomics is the science of studying the expression, function, and structure of all proteins in cells or tissues. This field utilizes various experimental methods to identify and quantify proteins, as well as to study their interactions and dynamic changes. Label-free and TMT/iTRAQ (isotope tagging) technologies are three commonly used methods in quantitative proteomics research, each with its own advantages and application scenarios.

    • • PRM Mass Spectrometry

      Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) is an ion monitoring technology based on high-resolution, high-precision mass spectrometry. The principle of this technology is similar to SRM/MRM, but it is more convenient in the development of absolute quantification of proteins and peptides. It is most suitable for quantifying multiple proteins in complex samples through attomolar level detection. PRM technology is a new type of protein validation technology without antibodies

    • • How to Use Proteomics to Screen Differential Proteins

      Proteomics, as an important part of systems biology, aims to comprehensively analyze the expression, function, and interaction of all proteins in biological organisms. With the continuous deepening of biomedical research, proteomics is playing an increasingly important role in the research of disease mechanisms, the discovery of biomarkers, and the development of new drugs. Particularly in the screening of differential proteins, proteomics technology provides a powerful tool

    • • What Methods are Used for Proteomics Differential Analysis?

      Proteomics differential analysis typically involves multiple techniques and methods aimed at comparing the expression levels of proteins in different samples, such as different tissues, cell states, or treatment conditions.

    • • Tandem Mass Tag Quantitative Proteomics

      Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) is an advanced mass spectrometry technique used for quantifying protein expression in multiple samples simultaneously. This method is particularly suitable for quantitative comparison of proteins in complex biological samples and is of great importance in studying disease mechanisms, discovering biomarkers, and analyzing drug mechanisms of action.

    • • Principle of Peptide Sequencing

      Peptide sequencing refers to the process of determining the amino acid sequence of a peptide or protein molecule. This process is crucial for the study of protein structure and function, as the amino acid sequence directly determines the protein's three-dimensional structure and biological function. Peptide sequencing primarily relies on mass spectrometry (MS) technology, particularly tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) technology.

    • • Protein Sequencing Requirements for Samples

      Proteomic sequencing has strict requirements for the quality and handling of samples to ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of experimental results. The following are the main requirements for samples when conducting proteomic sequencing.

    • • Post-Translational Modifications Types of Histones

      Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of histones are important regulatory mechanisms that play crucial roles in gene expression, DNA repair, and cell signaling. These PTMs can be achieved by adding or removing various chemical groups or proteins, thereby influencing chromatin structure and function. Here are some common types of PTMs on histones.

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