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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Continuous Phosphorylation of Histones

      Continuous phosphorylation of histones refers to the continuous or prolonged phosphorylation of specific amino acid residues (typically serine or threonine) on histones under certain cellular conditions or stimuli. This phosphorylation is usually catalyzed by specific kinases, such as protein kinase A, protein kinase C, or MAP kinases, and can be reversed by phosphatases.

    • • Sumoylation of Histones

      Protein SUMOylation is a post-translational modification that involves the covalent attachment of SUMO proteins to lysine residues of histones. This process requires the involvement of a series of enzymes, including E1 activating enzymes, E2 conjugating enzymes, and E3 ligases. SUMOylation plays a critical role in gene expression regulation, DNA repair, RNA processing, and nuclear transport in the cell nucleus. Here are some key information regarding protein SUMOylation:

    • • Mass Spectrometry Detection of Protein Modifications

      Histones are the core proteins that make up chromatin, and they play a crucial role in gene expression regulation through post-translational modifications. Common histone modifications include: Acetylation: Mainly occurs on lysine residues and is closely related to gene activation. Methylation: Typically occurs on lysine and arginine residues, and can result in gene silencing or activation, depending on the site and extent of methylation.

    • • MS for Detecting Post-Translational Modifications of proteins

      Mass spectrometry detection is an important tool for analyzing post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins. Post-translational modifications refer to various chemical changes that occur after protein synthesis, which have significant effects on protein function, localization, and activity. Common post-translational modifications include phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation, and ubiquitination.

    • • Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Phosphorylation

      Mass spectrometry analysis is a key technique in the field of biochemistry and biology, and has become an indispensable tool for deciphering the structure and function of biomolecules. Among them, phosphorylation is an important research area in biology, involving the regulation of cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, metabolic regulation, and many other life processes.

    • • Proteomic Analysis of Heat Proteins

      Thermal Proteome Profiling (TPP) is a protein profiling technique introduced in 2014, which combines Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA) with Quantitative Mass Spectrometry (MS) to detect the melting curves of thousands of expressed proteins. This method is widely used for identifying drug target proteins and off-target proteins. Essentially, TPP is similar to CETSA in principle, as both are based on the fact that proteins undergo unfolding and precipitation upon heat-induced denaturation.

    • • Peptide Antigen: the Successful Strategy of "Less is More"

      In the field of antibody discovery and drug development, peptide antigens have always played an important role. Despite the advancements in technology that have provided us with more novel approaches to choose from, peptide antigens still play an irreplaceable role in antibody discovery due to their unique advantages. This article will analyze the "less is more" strategy of peptide antigens and discuss the key factors in designing appropriate peptides.

    • • A Guide to Proteomics Based on Mass Spectrometry for Beginners

      Based on mass spectrometry, proteomics is the most comprehensive method for quantitatively analyzing proteins and their interactions and modifications. To master this method, expertise in biochemistry (for sample preparation), analytical chemistry (for instrumental analysis), and computational biology (for data analysis) is required. In this short guide, we will focus on the components of a mass spectrometer, the sample preparation process, and quantitative analysis strategies.

    • • Oligonucleotide Sequence Analysis of Arthrobotrys Oligospora

      Arthrobotrys oligospora is a significant human pathogenic fungus, primarily causing fungal diseases of the central nervous system, especially brain infections. The analysis of its oligonucleotide sequences is not only crucial for understanding its pathogenic mechanisms but also significantly meaningful for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies and diagnostic methods.

    • • Protein Measurement in Strawberry Fruit via Amino Acid Analysis

      In the field of modern agricultural production and food science, understanding the nutritional value of crops, particularly fruits like strawberry fruits, is of great significance in enhancing their market value, meeting consumers' health demands, and guiding agricultural production. Strawberries are widely popular due to their unique flavor, high nutritional value, and abundant health benefits.

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