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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Application of De Novo Sequencing

      De Novo sequencing refers to assembling a complete genome sequence from scratch without using a reference genome. This method is vital in genomic research, especially for exploring unknown genomes, complex genomes, and genomic diversity.

    • • Workflow of De Novo Sequencing

      De Novo sequencing, also known as whole genome assembly, involves obtaining a novel genome sequence by direct sequencing and subsequent assembly without any reference genome information. This technology is crucial in genomics research and is widely utilized for discovering unknown genomes, analyzing new species' genomes, and studying complex genomic structures.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of De Novo Sequencing

      De Novo sequencing refers to sequencing and assembling an unknown genome without a reference genome. With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technologies in recent years, De Novo sequencing has played an increasingly important role in life sciences research.

    • • Principle of De Novo Sequencing

      With the advancement of genomics, genome sequencing technology has become a crucial tool in biological research. Among various sequencing technologies, De Novo sequencing is particularly significant because it does not rely on existing reference genomes and can reveal entirely new genomic information.

    • • Mechanism of Top-Down Protein Sequencing

      Proteins are essential molecules in all biological processes. Understanding their structure and function is fundamental to biological research. Protein sequencing, which determines the amino acid sequence of proteins, is a crucial technique for studying the relationship between protein structure and function. Top-down proteomics is an emerging technique that is becoming a significant tool in protein sequencing.

    • • Application of Top-Down Protein Sequencing

      Proteins are the primary executors of biological activities, and understanding their structure and function is crucial for uncovering biological mysteries. Protein sequencing, a vital research tool, helps scientists identify and analyze amino acid sequences of proteins, thereby inferring their functions and interactions. Top-Down Proteomics (TDP) is an advanced and precise protein sequencing technology developed in recent years.

    • • Workflow of Top-Down Protein Sequencing

      Protein sequencing is a fundamental technique for understanding protein structure and function. Top-down protein sequencing, an important method in proteomics, efficiently determines the amino acid sequence and modification states of proteins. The detailed workflow of top-down protein sequencing is described below.

    • • Advantages and Disadvantages of Top-Down Protein Sequencing

      Top-down proteomics (TDP) is a rapidly evolving technique in the fields of molecular biology and biochemistry, offering detailed insights into the structure and modifications of proteins. Unlike traditional bottom-up proteomics methods, TDP directly analyzes intact protein molecules, thereby preventing information loss during peptide reassembly.

    • • Principle of Top-Down Protein Sequencing

      Protein sequencing is crucial for elucidating the primary structure of proteins, essential for understanding their function, structure, and role in biological systems. Top-down proteomics, which directly analyzes intact protein molecules, contrasts with the traditional bottom-up approach.

    • • Mechanism of SILAC-Based Co-IP-MS in Protein Interaction Detection

      Protein-protein interactions are central to biological processes within cells, and their dynamic changes can illuminate the intricate regulatory mechanisms governing cellular functions and signaling pathways.

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