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      Proteomics Databases


      Metabolomics Databases

    • • Protein Thermal Stability: Influencing Factors and Applications

      The thermal stability of proteins refers to their ability to maintain their three-dimensional structure at high temperatures, which is crucial for their biological functions. Protein denaturation, or loss of structure, usually leads to loss of function.

    • • Absolute Quantification Analysis of Vitreous Humor Tissue Proteins

      The vitreous humor is a gel-like transparent substance located at the back of the eye, which maintains the shape of the eye and plays a crucial role in preserving the health of the retina. The protein component in the vitreous humor can reflect the health status of the eye, including retinal disease, glaucoma, and ocular complications of systemic diseases like diabetes.

    • • Human Cell Peptide Proteomic Analysis

      In the vast field of biomedical research, the analysis of human cell peptidomics occupies a central position. This analysis is crucial for understanding cell function, disease mechanisms, and drug action. Advanced peptidomics analysis services provided by MtoZ Biolabs aim to reveal the complex peptide dynamics and their functions within human cells.

    • • Edman: a Classical Biochemical Way to Reveal the N-Terminal Amin

      Edman degradation, also known as Edman sequencing, is a biochemical method used to determine the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a protein. This method was first proposed by American biochemist Pehr Edman in 1950 and has been continuously improved and applied in the following decades. The Edman method is typically used to analyze the amino acid sequence of smaller proteins or peptide segments and involves the following steps.

    • • Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications of Plant Leaf Histones

      Protein translation and post-translational modification analysis in plant leaf blades is a key research field that delves into the genetic regulation and protein function in plants. Histones are core proteins that bind to DNA, forming chromatin structures and playing essential roles in gene expression.

    • • Localization Analysis of Disulfide Bonds in Fungal Histone

      In the field of biomedical and biotechnology research, a deep understanding of protein structure is crucial. MtoZ Biolabs has developed a fungal histone disulfide bond localization analysis technique, which provides an advanced method for precise analysis of disulfide bonds in fungal histone. The following is a detailed interpretation of this technique.

    • • Quantitative Protein Component Analysis of Muscle Tissue Tyr-pho

      The function and health status of muscle tissue are closely related to the phosphorylation status of its proteins, especially tyrosine phosphorylation (Tyr-phosphorylation). This phosphorylation is a key mechanism for regulating muscle cell signaling and metabolic activities.

    • • Glycosylation Site Detection

      Glycosylation site detection refers to identifying the location where glycosylation occurs in biomolecules. Glycosylation is a biochemical modification process that involves linking sugar molecules to other biomolecules (such as proteins, nucleic acids, or lipids), thereby affecting their structure and function. Glycosylation plays a critical role in organisms, but it may also be associated with certain diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

    • • E.coli Protein Absorbance Coefficient Analysis

      Escherichia coli, as one of the most commonly used model organisms in microbiology and molecular biology research, has wide applications in gene expression, protein engineering, and synthetic biology. Accurate measurement of protein expression levels in E. coli is a key step in biotechnology research, and extinction coefficient analysis is an important technique to achieve this goal.

    • • Fluorescent Protein Labeling

      Fluorescent protein labeling utilizes fluorescent proteins, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), to label and track specific proteins or other biomolecules within cells. With this method, when the target protein is expressed in the cell, it carries the fluorescent protein, emitting a visual fluorescent signal. The key advantage of this technique is that it provides an intuitive, non-invasive way to observe molecular processes in living cells.

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